Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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1814   John Stanford (see Je, 1813) "as a corapUraent for past services
Dec.    as a rainister ot the Gospel rendered at the Alraa House and other

5    public institutions in thia City."—flf. C. C. (17S4-1831), VIU:
93. There was a similar recognition annually thereafter for raany
years of the services rendered by this semi-public chaplain of the
city's institutions; hy 1826, the "compliraent" had been doubled
(ibid; SV:  250).

6          A paper caUed The Mid-day Courier. With the Morning's Mails
was in existence at thia tirae.—Brigham, A.A.S. Proc (i9i7),46o.

8         The freedora of the city is formally conferred on Gen. Aleiander

Macomb (see N 11).—flf. C. C. {1784-1831), VIU:   99-100.
10         Gov. Tompkins transfers bis headquarters io New York (see

O 23) to "tbe Government House, State Street."—Pub. Papers of
Daniel D. Tompkins, I:  751.

14          Tbe British capture a small Araerican fleet off Louisiana. This
gives thera coraraand of the route to New Orleans, but they tail to
make use of their opportunity.—McMaster, Hiii. of the People of
the U. S; IV:   182-83.

15          The Hartford convention, caUed by ^lasaachusetts becauae of
New England's dissatisfaction with the war and the present condi¬
tion of affairs, assembles, ddegates from Massachusetts, Connecti¬
cut, Rhode Island, and New Harapshire bdng present. It adjourned
on Jan. 5, 1815, after adopting a report urging that separation frora
the Union be not conridered untU an atterapt to correct the present
evils had been made; declaring that the Conscription BiU bdore
congresa was unconatitutlonal; and recommending that each slate
be permitted to defend herself and to use a part of the federal taxes
to defray the expense. It congress did not act, if peace was not
conduded, if New England was neither defended by tbe generd
government nor given leave to defend hersdt and pay the cost witb
the federal taies, another convention was to be held in June. Five
comimssioners were dispatched to preaent the grievancea to con¬
gress, hut on the day they arrived at Washington, news came of
the treaty of Ghent, and without showing their credentials or

making   any  announceraent,   tbey  returned   to  New   England,    Dec.
"followed by shouts of derision from the whole Republican press."    15
—McMaster, Hii(. of tke People aftke U. 5., IV:  245-52, 275.

The common councU agrees to lend $400,000 to the governor   23
in order that he may pay the mUitia who were stationed in the city
during the autumn.—M. C. C. {1784-1831), VIII; 106-8; N. Y.
Ei-e. Poi(, D 23, 1814. Themoney was repaid hy the U.S. on Feb.
6, 1816.-.If. C. C- {1784-1831), VIII:  417-18.

A treaty of peace between Great Britain and the U. S. is signed 24
at Ghent. AU prisoners of war and captured territory are to be
returned, and aU boundary disputes arising frora the treaty ot
Sept. 3, 1783 (q. v.), are to be settled by comraissioners. Both
countries pledge themsdves to help to secure the abolition ot the
slave-trade. Concerning the impressment of seamen and the paper
blockades, the treaty is silent.—Laws of U. S., 13th cong,, 3rd
sess., 194-202. For an account of tbe negotiations leading to the
treaty, see Ag 8; also McMaster, H/jl, of the People of the U. S.,
IV: 256-74. Newa of the peace reached New York on Feb. 11,
liis (q.v.).

An eatimate ot the value of the fire department establlshraent   26
totals $51,913.00.—flf. C. C. (1784-1831), VUl:   110-11.

The British, under Sir Edward Pakenham, atlack Gen. Jack-   28
son, and are repulsed.—Winsor, VU:  404; Brackenrldge, Hijf. of
the LateWarbeniieen the U.S. and Gt. Brit. (Phila,, 1836), 284.  See
Ja 1, 1815.

Gen. Joseph G. Swift makes a report, accorapanied by a number 31
of maps, pjans, and views, lo the comraittee of defence concerning
the fortifications which have been erected for the protection ot New
York City. This very important report is printed in Guernsey,
JV. r. City & Vicinity during tke War 0/1812-15, II: 535-40,
frora tbe original now deposited by the city In the N. Y. H, S, Four
of the drawinga are reproduced as Pis. 82A, 82B-a, 82B-b, and
82B-C, Vol. UI. See alao Man. Com. Coun. {1856), 89, 104, 236,
361, 393, 400, 416, 420, 480, 489, 497, 552, 592.
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