Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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  Page 1916  


1865   chap.  12.   The organization of the new department was com-           Prominent citizens of New York draw up an address to Pres.

Mr30   pleted by Nov. 3 (q. 11.).                                                                        Lincoln congratulating him on the recent victories ot the Union

Apr.         Gen. Lee evacuates Richmond.   It was iramediatdy occupied      arraies.—JV. Y. Times, Ap 10, 1865.

z   by the Union forces.—Rhodes, Hist. ofU. S., V;   114-20.                      Gen. Lee surrenders  the army ot Northern Virginia to Gen.

6          The name ot Hoboken St, from Waahington St. to West St., is      Grant at Appomattoi Court House, and the Civil War virtually
changed to Canal St.—Proc, Jpp'J 6y iVfflyor, XXXni!  92.              ends.—Rhodes,H/j(. o/U. 5., V:   123-30.  Newa ot the surrender

7          A hill to permit the Metropolitan RaUway Co. (aee Mr 21,      reached New York at ii:jo p. ra. On April 10, the city waa gaily
1864) to build an underground road In New York City is pasaed      decorated with flags and bunting, cannon were fired, and a grand
by the atate senate. It was passed by the assembly on AprU 27,      "Te Deum" was sung at Trinity Church.—JV. Y, Times, Ap 10
but was vetoed hy Gov. Fenton on May 20.—Walker, Fifty Years      and 11,1865. The entire North wasfiUedwlthrejoiring.-soon to be
of Rapid Transit, 30-35.  See My 22.                                                    turned to horror and sadnesa.—See III: 747, and Ap. 14.
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