Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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—Rep; Cora'r of Bridges (1912); N. Y.Herald, Mr 31, 1909.
It was dedicated on June 12, Sec-ot-War Dickinson and Gov.
Hughes taking part In the ceremonies. On Sept. 17, the first
IroUey-car crossed trora Manhattan to Long Island City within
tour hours after the franchise was granted.—Ibid., Je 13 and S
18, 1909.

"The New York Foundation" is incorporated "to receive and
maintain a fund or funds, and to apply the incorae thereof to
altruistic purposes, charitable, benevolent, educational, or other¬
wise, within the United States ot Araeric-." The Incorporators
are Jacob H. Schiff, Morris Loeb, Paul M. Warburg, Isaac N.
Sellgraan, Edward C. Henderson, and tlieir aasoclates.—Laws of
N. Y. (1909), chap. 150.

Coraraodore Robert E. Peary (see Jl 6, 1908) reaches the
neighbourhood of, if not the actual. North Pole.—Eue. Post, S 7,
1909. The news reached New York on Sept. 6 (q. v.).

The Brick Presbyterian Church celebrates its centenary.—
N. Y.Herdd, Ap 12, 190^-

The replica ot the "HaU Moon" is launched at Amsterdam.
"Tbe ship wiU be rigged, painted and arraed with cannon of the
period. It will be shipped aboard a Holland-American liner and
delivered to the American committee at Sandy Hook on Septeraber
27th."—Officid Mln. of Hudson-Fulton Celebration Com; II: 1006.
She arrived, however, on July 22 (q. v.).

St. Patrick's Pro-Cathedral in Mott St. begins a aeries of
cereraoniea in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the lay¬
ing of its corner-stone.—N. Y. Daily Tribune, My 10, 1909.

The keel ot the lepUca ot the "Clermont" la laid hy the Staten
Island Shipbmlding Co.—Official Mln.of Hudson-Fullon Celebration
Com;!!: 1102. Seejl 10.

The legislature appropriates an additional $300,000 for the Hud¬
son-Fulton Celehration.—Laws ofN. Y. (1909), chap. 448; Hud¬
son-Fullon Celebration, 1909 (4th Ann. Rep. of Hudson-Fulton
Celehration Com., 1910), I;  31-32.

Mayor McCleUan removes Police Commissioner Bingham from
office and appoints Wm F. Baker in his place. The removal causes
a sensation in the city. "The action ot the Mayor was based
directly on Commissioner Bingham's refusal to dismiss two of his
subordinates in office at the request of the Mayor. The disagree¬
ment aroae originally, however, over the action of tbe Commia¬
sioner in refusing to reraove from the Rogues' GaUery the picture
ot a boy who waa declared to have never faeen indicted tor crime,
but who had aeveral tiraes been arreated by the police and dia-
charged. Coraraissioner Binghara insisted tbat the retention ot the
picture in the gaUery was justified, wliile Mayor McCleUan, after
a careful hearing, declared that it was not. In the course of the
hearing it was charged by the Mayor that the subordinates ot the
Commiasioner referred to above had made attempts to discredit
Judge Gaynor, through whose efforts the origind demand for the
removd ot the picture was raade."—N. Y, Times, Jl 2 el seq., 1909;
New Internationd Year Baok (1909}, 523-24.

Ground is formdly faroken on Spuyten Duyvil HiU tor the
Henry Hudson monument, which is to be erected hy private sub¬
scription under the auspices of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration
Commission.—O^eiflf Min. of Hudson-Fulton Celebration Com.,
U: 1208, 1276.
I         The replica of the "Clerraont" is launched from Mariners'

Harbor, S. I., and christened by Mrs. Arthur T. SutcUffe, great-
granddaughter ot Robert Fdton.—Hudson-Fulton Celebration,
1909 (officid report of Hudson-Fulton Cd. Com.), I: 105-15. The
plana ot the veasd were baaed chiefly on Fulton'a letter ot Nov.
20, 1807 (q.v.), and the specifications upon which he obtained
his second patent ot Oct. 2, 1810.—Official Mln. of Hudson-Fullon
Celebration Com; I; 648-53, 921-25.

The second pair ot "tubes" under the Hudaon, connecting
Manhattan with Jersey City, is opened.—N. Y. Herald, Ji 20,
1909.  See also F 25, 1908.

The reproduction ot Hudson's "Halt Moon," built in Holland
for the Hudson-Fulton celehration, arrivea at New York on board
the "Soeatdyk."—Eve Posl, J! 22 and 23, 1909. On July 23, the
"Soestdyk" proceeded to the Brooldyn Navy Yard, where the
"Hdf Moon" was placed in the v/ater.-Officlal Mln. of Hudson-
Fulton Celebration Cam; U: 1304. For details of her building and
a fuU description, see Hudson-Fullon Celebration, 1909 (4tb Ann.
Report ot Hudson-Fulton Cel. Com.), I; 92-104. See also Pl. 173,
^'ol. HI, and Ita descrip. Ill;  855.

Construction work on the new munidpal building (see Jl 20,   .
1907) begina.  The building was corapleted in 1914.—Letter from   ■
the Supt. ot Bridges to the architects; Engineering ReC; N 5, 1910;
L. M. R. K., UI; 974.  Cf. A. Pl. 29-b, Vol. IU.

The Payne-Aldrlch tariff blU Is signed by Pres. Taft.—fCorU
Ah^anac (1910), 168.

Gov, Hughes removes from office Pres, Haffen ot the Borough
of The Bronx.-JV.r. Times, Ag 30, 1907. Cf. A Report on a Special
Examination of the Accounts and Methods of the Presideni of the
Borough ofthe Bronx (1908).

held in the Lenox Brancli, N. Y. Pufa. Library,

etc., relating to Henry Hudson, the

Fulton, and steam navigation.—See cat., in

An eihibition
of prints, books
Hudson River, I
N, Y. P. L.

A report the

Dr. Frederick A. Cook discovered the North
1908 (q.v.), reaches New York.—Eve. Posl, S
I, 1909.  See S 6 and zi.

News ot Peary's discovery ot the North Pole on April 6, 1909,
reaches New York.—N. Y. Times, and Eve, Post, S 7, 1909.

The congregation of the Madison Avenue Reforraed Church
(see 1807, and My 23, 1S70), at the n. e. cor. of Madison Ave. and
57th St., celebrates its centennial anniversary.—Centennid Exer¬
cises (paraphlet, 1909, at N. Y. Hist. Soc), contdnlng historical
sketch; L. M. R, K., IU: 936. See dso L. M. R. K., UI: 930-31,
under "Centrd Presbyterian Church."

An officid trid ot tbe "Clerraont" is made and proves a suc¬
cess.—Officid Min. of Hudson-Fulton Celebration Cam; II:   1491.

A French fieet arrivea at New York to participate in tbe Hud¬
son-Fulton cdebration.—N. Y. Times, S 20, 1909.

The British parliament passes a law creating the South African
Union, a federation composed of Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal,
Orange Free State, and Natd.—Hazen, Europe since 1815, 544-45.

The officid Hudson-Fulton eibibition at the Metropolitan
Museum ot Art is opened, and a public reception is held.—Hudson-
Fulton Celebration, 1909, II:  844.

Dr. Frederick A. Cook arrives at New York and receives an
ovation.—Eve. Posl, S zi, 1909. On Oct. 15, the city conferred
Ita freedora upon Dr. Cook, but when Admiral Peary arrived at
New York and convinced its citizens that Cook's daims were
fraudulent, the aldermen voted tliat their action In conferring the
freedom was "premature," and demanded that Cook return it.—
Eve Past,0 15, 1909; N. Y. Times Mag; Ja 9, 1921.

The Atlantic fieet arrivea tor the Hudson-Fulton celebration.—
Eve. Post, S 22, 1909.

The HoUand Society givea a banquet at the Waldort-Aatoria in
honour of the Netherlands delegates to the Hudaon-Fulton celebra¬
tion.—Hudson-Fullon Celebration, 1909, II: 844-48.

The great Hudson-Fulton cdebration opens, with a naval
parade led by the replicas ot the "Half Moon" and the "Cler¬
mont." A column of war-ships, representing the United States,
England, Germany, France, Itdy, Netherlands, Argentine Repub¬
lic, and Mexico, is anchored in the Hudson, and extends frora 42d
St. to Spuyten Duyvil, while 800 other vessds are anchored dong
the shores.

At 10.30 a. m., the "Hdf Moon," raanned by Commmder Lam
representing Henry Hudson and Dutch sailors dressed in the
costumes ot Hudson's tirae, and the "Clerraont," with the Rev. C. S.
Bullock Impersonating Robert Fulton, Miss Evelyn BuUock acting
as Harriet Livingston, Fulton's fiancee, and others as Fulton's
guests, were escorted from tbe KIU van Kull by a squadron con¬
sisting of torpedo boats, submarines, navd militia vessds, and
other craft. During the raorning and early afternoon, the flotlUa
manoeuvred dong the northern shore of Staten Island and the Bay
Ridge shore ot Long Island, being welcomed at Stapleton by a Rich¬
mond committee and at Bay Ridge hy a Brooklyn committee.

Meanwhile, the great raerciiant fleet, consisting ot almoat every
type of vessel, was assembling in the Lower Bay. At about 1 p. ra,,
the "Half Moon," in tow ot the "Fred. B. Dalzell," and the "Cler¬
mont," under her own power, took their places at the head ot
the parade, and the whole procession, presenting an impressive
spectacle, then steamed up the Hudson. When tiic line ot warships
waa reached, the "Halt Moon" and the "Clerraont" turned to
the east and proceeded hetween the aliips and the Manhattan
shore, while the reat of the parade turned to the weat and continued
between the ships and the Jersey shore, in order to sail around the
war vessds. Tbe "Hdf Moon" and the "Clermont" were saluted
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