Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 6)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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  Page 281  


II-F.   (n)    new YORK celebrations, 1614-1926 (Condnufrf)
settlement of what Is now the State ot New York.  New York. 1914,
8°.   lUustrated.

Reprinted from the Firsl Annual Reporl ot the Commission.  WeU
New York Historical Society. Commemoration of the Battle ot
Hariem Plains on its one hundredth anniversary.  New York. 1B76.
8°.  Illustrated.

The celebration was conducted by the Society. The printed record
here embraces an oration by John Jay, with an appendix ot docu¬
ments on pp. 39-84, and proceedings. This is the edition issued
"For subscribers." There is a more general edition, of same date,
without the appendix.
—Commemoration ot the conquest ot New Netherland on Its two hun¬
dredth anniversary.   New York, 1864.   8°.   Illustrated.

The celebration was conducted by the Society.  This publication
consists of an historical oration hy John Romeyn Brodhead, with an
appendix of documents on pp. 59-73, and proceedings.
Pine (John B.), editor.  Seal and flag ot the city of New York. New
York and London, 1915-   12°,   lUustrated,

Published under the auspices of a committee appointed by the
he 2S0th anniversary of transition from

■3, etc., connected with the
0 monographs, one by V, H.
h to English govern

Dutch to English rule ot governmenl 0

adoption of the first official flag and a ne\

Besides the  proceedings and  papers,

official celebration, the volume baa t'

Paltsits on "The transition trom Dutc

the city of New York," pp. 1-21; and the other by E. H. Hall on

"History of the seal and fiag." pp. 22-67.   Hall's article is also in

Annual Reporl ol American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society,

VOL 20 {1913). PP. 819-832,
Riker {James).   Evacuation Day,  1783, Its many stirring events,

with Recollections of Capt, John Van Arsdalc,   New York, for the

Author, 1883.   8°.   WUh view of raising of fiag on the Battery.
Simpson (Sarah H. J.).  The Federal procession in the city of New

York [1788], in Quarterly Bulletin ol New York Historical Society,

vol. 9 (1923), pp, 39-57.   lUustrated.
Wakeman (ABRAM),   1914.   New. York's

under the auspices ot the Commission the Lowi

Men's Association .  .   . October thirty-first n

fourteen.   [New York. 1914.]   4°.   Illustrated.

Relates to period of American Revolulion and is largely documen-


n hundred and

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