Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 6)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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(McGoWN, Andrew,—Conrinued)

1748; view by A. Robertaon taken from
British lines near house of, 1777 O 10,
Pl. 86 (v. 6)

McGowN, Daniel, lost at sea, 1748; Andrew,
son of, buyer in 1756 ot Black Horse Tavern,
(error in v. 3, P. 334-33, corrected)

Macgregor, Jas. M., first superintendent ot
dept. for the survey, etc., ot buildings, 1862
Ap 19; resources ot cily laken from annual
report ot, 1872 Ap 2

McGuire (McQuier), Dennis. 6;  174. 176

Machican. the North River. See Hudaon River

McIntosh & Miller. See Artists   '

Mackaye. Steele.   See Adore

McKee. Thos. J., Books and collections of.
sold,igoo N 22

McKenjie, Geo., to take Inventory of books,
etc., in secretary's office. 16S7 jl 7; letter to
Nicholson on experience with Leisler and
escape of Andros, 1689 Ag 13

Mackenzie, Robt., sec. of Sir Wm. Howe,
1777 Mr 20; Maj., Depuiy Adjl.-Gen.,
sec. to Sir Guy Carieton, aenda Wm. Smith
drafts of general orders relating to restora¬
tion of houaea, 17S3 F 15; letter to, from
David Sproal on reading proc. of the ceasa-


ion of ai



■re. ot

.  Gunther

McKbon  Democracy, eleds  C,

mayor, 1863 D i
McKesson,  John, sec,

Letter of Maj. Nicholas Fish lo, 1776 S 15;
clerk of the supreme court of the U. S., 1790
F 1; sec. ot Soc tor the Promotion of Agri¬
culture, Manufactures, and Arts, 1791 Mr 9
McKlM, Chas. F,   See Architects
McKiM, Mead & White.  See Architeds
McKiNLEY,   Nath., House   of, on   Pl. 37, l:
430;  on   Pl. 67 described, 446;  houae and
lot of, bought to widen Wall St., 1796 My 16
McKiNLEY, Wm., Buainess men's sound money
parade tor,  i8g6 O 31;   elected president,
lSg6 N 6;  Inaugurated, Mr 4;  the Dingley
tariff bill signed by  (1897). 3;   798;   ded¬
icates   Grant's   tomb,   1897   Ap   27;    the
Spaniah minister, E. Dupuy de Lome, re¬
called for letter disparaging president, 1898

aenda ultimatum lo Spain, Ap 20;  proclaims
blockade of Cuban porta, Ap 22;   calla for
volunteere, Ap 23, My 23;  signs congr, resol.
annexing Hawaii, Jl 7; proclaims peace with
Spain, 1899 Ap 11;  arrives in city, Ap 28;
and  Theo. Roosevelt  eleded president and
vice-pres.. 1900 N 6;   re-Inaugurated presi¬
dent, 1901 Mr 4;  shot by L. Czolgosz, S 6;
C.   C.  denounces  aasasslnation  ot.  S   10;
death of, S 14
MacKnight, Dr. (Chas.), attends Pres. Wash¬
inglon, 1799 My IS
McKnight, Mary (Scott), 6:  85, loi, 102
MacKnight, Patrick, and G. Livingaton peti¬
tion for place of worship for Presbyterians,

1717  Ag 7; truBlee ot Preabj^erlan Church,

1718  Ja 3

Maclay, Wm., senator from Penn,, Pres.
Washington calls on, 1789 Ap 28; account
ot the inaugural ceremoniea at Federal Hall,
Ap 30; records the president going to John
Sl. TheaWe, My ii; account of the reading
of senate raessage to Pres. Washington and
hia reply. My 18; describes the Dutch minis¬
ter Van Berckel, My 19; visit to Baron Pol-
nitz's garden, My 20; records Pres. Wash¬
ington's conduct in senate during discussion
ot Indian affaira, Ag 22; describes formal
dinner at president's house, Ag 27, 1790
Ja 14; another dinner, Mr 4; records a pos-
' aible duel between Burke and Hamilton, Mr
31; heara a negro preach, Ap 7; commenta
of, on Tammany Soc. celebration. My 12;
records severe illness of Pres. Washington,
My 15; account of Fourth ot July celebra¬
tion, Jl s

McLean. Archibald, one of the founders of
The Independent Journal, or, Ihe General
Advertiser, 1783 N 17; prints and dialri-
butes Ode for Ihe Federal Procession, etc..
1788 Jl 23; changes name of newspaper lo
New-York Daily Gazette, 1792 Ap 2; later
changes of title. 1795 Ja 28.  Mr 5, Ap 27

McLean, John, keeper of powder-magazine at
Indenberg, 1797 Ag 21; takes possession of
ground at old Polterafield for stale, ceded
by city for a powder-magazine, 1803 Ja 6;
reports to leg. need of a small magazine, 1805
Ja 14; writes to speaker of assembly regard¬
ing ordinance-yard and removal ot military
stores, 1807 Mr 2; comralssary of roilitary
stores, 180S O 17; reports powder-magazine
completed, 1809 F 20; military stores under.
1811 D ig;  ordera "Veteran Corps of .Artil-

fortifications on erecting bomb batteries,
le 29   mlhtary -.tores readi  Jl 20

McLean John and Archibald List of lots to
be sold by Trinity Church printed by. 1787
My 23 print firat ed ot The Federalist In
book form 1788 establish The New-York
Daily Gazdie D 29 See also McLean,

MacMonnies Fred   See Artists

Macomb Alev purchaaea vacant lots on
Broadway, 1786 My 8; erects a handsome
residence, later called Mansion House, My
8; commiasioner to superintend alterationa
al city hall. 1788 S 30; Pres. Washington
occupies house of. 1790 F 22; treas. of Soc.
lo Promote Agriculture, Manufactures, and
Arta, 1791 Mr 9; on com. lo erect building
for records and public papers of the state.
Mr 24; granted use of creek at Kingsbridge
for a mill. 1800 D 22; deteata Britiah at
Plaltsburg. 1814 S 11; to be given a sword.
O 22; voted freedom of the city, N 21;
asked lo ail for portrait, N 21; freedom of
city given, D 8.  See oiso Homesleads, elc.

Macomb (McComb). Robt.. ereds dam and
grist-mill on the Harlem River. 3; 706; dam
and bridge partially deatroyed, 706; view
ot house ot, 907; view ot mills ot, 908;
memorial to C. C. relating to bridge and dam,
1813 Mr 1; perrait lo build dara, Ap 8, S 30;
protest .againat, erecting dam and bridge,
1813 Je 21; com. ot C. C. recommends
bridge commence at 7th Ave.. O iS; right to
erect a dam over Harlera River ordered exe¬
cuted, 1814 ja 10; dam and bridge finished,
1815 D 31; and heirs to have exclusive ri^ht
to water daiAmed, D 21; ascent of hill leading
to bridge lo be altered, 1816 jl 8; scheme of,
lo supply dty with waler, 1819 Ag 9; C. C.
agrees to scheme and orders contrad pre¬
pared. 1820 Mr 6. See lUso Macomb's Dam
and Bridge (under Bridges)

Macoy, Robt., issues guide-book called Old
Landmarks. 1881

McRea, Jane, Letter trora Gen. Gates to Bur¬
goyne on massacre ot, pub. In N. Y., 1777

Macready, Wm. Chas.  See Actors

M'Robert, Patrick. See Travellers and Dis¬
tinguished Visitors

McVicker, John, 6:  96

"Macy's," founded, 1838

Maddern. Minnie (Mrs. Fiske).   See Aclora,

Madiais family. Imprisoned in Tuscany, Public
raeeting ot sympathy for the, 1833 Ja 7

Madison, Jas., joint author ot The Federalist.
1878 O 37; Gen. Washington asks, lo secure
lodgings for hira in N. Y. City, 1789 Mr 30;
residence of. In N. Y. in 1789, Jl 10; on
motion ot, house ot representatives passes
resolution on death of Benj. Franklin, 1790
Ap 22; letters on controversy over French
and British frigates by DeWitt Clinlon sent
lo, 1804 Je ig; answer ot, lo Clinton on viola¬
tion ot laws by British frigates, Je 25; Clin¬
ton writes to, an Ara. brig taken by the
"Cambrian," Jl 30; resolution ot N. Y. Cily
Republicans on nomination of, aa candidate
for president, 1808 S is; elected president,
N 8; inaugurated president, i8og Mr 4;
wears suit ot American-made woolen al ball,
Mr 4; proc. ot renewal ot Intercourae with
Gt. Brit,. Ap ig; proposal of Du Buc to
reveal his plan for defence presented lo,
My 8; recalls proc. ot renewal ot intercourse
with Gt. Brit., Ag 9; congress approves of.
refusing to receive communications from
Britiah minister, 1810 Ja 2; proclaims ceaaa-
tlon ot exclusion ot French warships from
Am. ports, N 2; letter from British minister
to secretary ot state on hostile policy against
U. S. sent to congress by, 1812 Ja 16; coti-
gress authorises, to accept and organise volun¬
teer and military corps, F 6; lays before
congress documentary evidence of a secret
agenl  of   Gt.  Brit,  trying to deatroy  the

Je l; signs act declaring war between Gt.
Brit, and U. S.. Je 18; proc. tor day ot
"public humiliation and prayer," Jl 9;   re-

.,.__, N 3;  --------------------=.....

Informs congress ot repeal ot
Milan decrees, jl 12; names
eat tor peace with Gt.

elected P-.-
1S13 Mr 4:
Berlin  and

Mr 31;   issues call for troops,  Jl ...   ___

cabinet flee from Washington, D. C, Ag 24;
proc. for a day of public humiliation, etc.,
N 16; sends his tlianks to railitia ot the state

for their patriotism, etc., 1815 F 22; to visit
cily. Mr 18; death of, 1836 Je 28
Maprid, Researches in, 2: xxix
Maerschalck, Andrew. See Surveyors
Maerschalck, Frands W.  See Surveyors
Maesen, Cornelis, buys house and plantation
from V. Evertsen, 1646 O 24.   See olio 6:
147, 148, 149
Macaw, Col. IRoht,]. fires upon a British ship,
1776 O 27;  Wm. Demont adjutant lo, de¬
serts lo  British,  N  2;   aurrender ot  Fort
Washingtcm refused  by,  N  13;   agrees  to
terms of surrender of fort, N 16
Magazines, American Mag. firat one pub. in
U.  S.,   1741   Ja.    See also Newspapers and
Magazines.    See   Armories,   Arsenals,   Bar¬
racks, etc.
Magee, J. L.  See Artiata
Magellan, Fernando.   See Explorers
Maggiolo, Vesconte de.   See Maps and Map

Magistrates, Powers ot, 1632-1664 (4:131); to
enforce laws against conventicles, 1662 S 21;
Nicolls continues all, in office, 1664 D 1;
under English (1665 el seq.) appointed hy
provincial governor, 1: 160; Lovelace (1668-
73) allows maynr's court to nominate, 163-
64; old, released from oalh of allegiance lo
Eng,, and new (1673) swear obedience to
states-general and Prince of Orange, 16S;
English, re-established under Andros, 1674
D 7, 1; i6g; required lo do justice to the
Indiana, 1675 O 6; aummoned by Dongan,
1683 Ag 27; in petition to Dongan, recite
powers of, since Nicolls' time and ask further
privileges, many granted, 1683 N g, i: 174-
75; civil; continued by council, 1688 Ag 21;
Leisler's proc. regarding, 16S9 O 14; gov¬
ernor signs bill regarding liberties ot city in
electing, 1702 My 1; and militia to search
for stolen goods, 1741 Ap 11; praised for
vigilance regarding negro conspiracy, Je 2g;
broadside on election of, I775 S 23. See olso
Courts; and Mayor, Aldermen & Commonalty

Magnetic telegraph.   See Telegraph lines

Magnetic Telegraph Co., Ofiices of, opened,
1843 My; notice issued by, 1846 Ja 26

Maguel, Frandaco. on the three routea to the
South Sea ot the natives of Virginia. l6og
Ap 4-N 7 (4: 29); on efforts of English to
withhold information. Ap 4-N 7 (4: 30)

Mahicanitiuk.  See Hudson River

Mahogany, Jos. Haviland appointed measurer

ot, 1

I N 2

Mahogany chairs tor C. C, 1765 Je 27, 1813
jl 6.   See also Chaira

Maiden-head race-courae, hack ot DeLancey
mansion In Bowery, 1784 O 8

Mail(s).  See Post (etc); Postal Service {etc.)

Mail-bags, Skippers to carry letlers in sealed,
1639 O 30

Mail car ("travelling post-office"). The firet,
lo carry N. Y. raall to Boston {via Norwich
& Worcester R. R.), 1840 Jl 9

Mail matter.   See Post Office; Postal Service

Main guard, located in Broad St.. 1777 Ag 25

Maine (Norumbega), Voyages ot Norsemen to
vidnity of, 986, 1002, 1004, 1020, 1024
(4: 3-10); Vespuccius at islands off coaat
of. 1497 My 10 (4; n); near the Penobacot,
My 10 (4: 12); Cartier and othera to, after
1333. 2; 13. 31; Molineux Map shows pas¬
sage to West In. by R. de Guamas, con¬
nected with the St. Lawrence. 49; coast from
Norumbega R. in. to Florida, described by
Alfonse de Saintonge. 1341 Ag 22; Thfevet'a
account ot Indians found at, 1555 My 6;
Hakluyt's Discourse on Western Planting
pub. (in 1877) by Historical Sociely of, 1584:
included In lands called Laconia granted lo
Gorges and Mason, 1632 Ag 10; diversion
ot English forces sent to drive French from
coast of, 1634 F 17 /27; F. Gorges and others
petition parliament regarding intrusion of
Dutch on their rights in, 1639; part of,
granted by Charies II to Jaraes. Duke ot
York. 1664 Mr 12/22; consolidated with
other colonies Into New England. 1688 Ap 7;
province of. induded in Province ot Massa¬
chusetts Bay. 1691 D 8

Maize. Spanish or Turkish wheat, Indian
tradition of receipt of, from Spaniards or
Portuguese, 1679 S 23, 2: 124. See aljo Corn

Majesty's forcea.  See Troopa

Major, Firat provincial act tor appointing a,
1684 O 27

Makemis, Frands, Presbyterian preacher from
Va. preaches In N. Y. withoul licenae. 1707
Ja 17; artested and Imprisoned, Ja 17;
acquitted with costs, Ja 17; organizer of the
Presbyterian Church in Ara., Ja 17
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