Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 6)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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__, _o be discouraged, Je 22; Hunler on,
N 12; products of, 1749 My 23; market for
home, established below new exchange, 1763
O 11; market tor, opened, O 23; resolution
to boycott European, O 28, 31, 4 A 0 31,
D 6; home, sold by O. Wells. D 19; market
days tor home, governors lo give account of.
to lords ot trade, 1766 Ag i; reported by
Gov. Moore of N. Y.. Ag 1; none since 1734.
N 7; country nol yet ripe for, 1768 Ja 6;
list of artides boycotted, 176S F 2; agree¬
ment not to order European, Ap 8, 14;
money wanting tor. Ap 25; resolutions
against European. Ag 27; com. on importa¬
tions of European, 1769 Mr 13; duly paid
on European, My 4; home, flourished before
the Revolution (1776), i: 333; a soc. for
encouragement ot domestic, 1S17 0; conven¬
tion ot "Friends ot National Induslrj'" lo
consider condition of, and petilion congress
tor relief of. 1819 N 39; report on .American,
1836; of northern stales shipped lo N. Y.
City for distribution throughout eastern
states, 3: 649-30; period of development of.
in N. Y. City after the Civil War. 74S. See
also Hals; Lamp-black; Linen; Paper;
Soap and candles; elc.
Manufacturing. Law to encourage. 1811 Mr
22; "The Coramlssion Company" incorpo¬
rated to aid. 1813 Ap 9; number ot cora-
panies. 1817 O; reported capital of, 1S20;
per cent, of, credited to dty. i860; extensive
in dty, 1870. See also Manufactures
Manursinc (Minnewita) I., A manned vessel
stationed at, to watch for pirates, 1654 F 9
Map-making, Artistic example of (Pl. 124), 3:

6S7. See also Maps and Map Makera
Mappa, Adam Gerard, bringa equipment of
Voakens type foundry to N. Y.. 1789 D 1;
operated first coraraercial type foundry in
U. S., D r
Maps (In general). Investigations ot, in con¬
nection with Cartography, 2: x.-iill, xxvii,
4: xiii; "Map Lisl and DescrliUions (1500-
1700)," chronologically arranccd. 2: 131-59;
"Lial of a few raaps of New Netherland coni-
piled from original sources and published in
modern historical works," 2; 160; a chrono¬
logical list ol "Lost Mapa, elc," 2: 161-G6;
sent by Capt. Smith lo Hudson, i6og Ap 4-
N 7 (4: 2g); fiist, to show Manhattan Island,
1610, C. PI. 22, v. 2; firat Ms., one allowing
inaularity of M. I., 1614, C. Pl. 23, v. 2; first

Erinted and dated one showing insularity of
L L, 1617, 6 Supp. Add. 1617, C. Pis. 25,
27.  V.  2;    maps,  etc..  lost In  the  '"Prin¬
cess," 1649 Jl 26. l: 26 m. 14s: a few Irapor¬
tant later. 1651-1:. 1683, (C. Pla  47-57)  2:
toll. 166;   French mapa of the provinces not
correct, 1700 N 28;  curious historical, to be
aold, 1748 Ag 10;  street comr. to report on
expenae ot making maps of dly property.
180s Ja 14;  ordered pul on roUera. Mr 11;
register or field-books to be made for maps
of dty property. 1808 My 30; Index ol maps
in reglster'a office made by jaa. McMurtay.
1823 Mr 28;  in slreet commissioner's ofiice
ordered  framed.   1826  My   8;    maps  and
drawings ot city property to be bound and
presented to each C. C. member. My 8
Maps and  Map  Makers.  (See also  Booka;
Engravers;  Explorere;  Surveyors)
[The following groups Include the more im¬
portant general maps, charta, globes, plans,
surveys, etc., menlioned in this work;
{a) An alphabetical list of cartographers
and map publiahers, and ot such im¬
portant maps and charts as have par¬
ticular reference lo the vicinity of Man¬
hattan I. (including New Netherland.
the Province of N. Y., and the State of
N.  Y.),  or delineate the  North East
Coast of North Araerica

(b) A chronological list ot general maps of
Manhattan I., New Amslerdam, and

(For local maps ot various smaller sub¬
divisions ot Manhattan I., ^ee the sub¬
ject group-titles, Grants and Farms,
Original; Grants, Bouweries, Farms,
etc.; Homesleads; Parks; Streets;
Topographical Features; Villages;
Wards; etc. For plans and surveys of
N. Y. Harbour, see that title in the
general Index)

(c)  -In alphabetical finding-list ot the mak-
ers and publishers ot the more impor¬
tant general maps ot Manhattan 1.,
New Amsterdam, and N. Y. City.
(For makers of maps of the smaller
subdivisions ot Manhattan 1., see the

subjects Indicated at the beginning of

group h, supra)
For mapa ot America, Nova Francia, Vir¬
ginia, and other particular territories,
states, or places beyond Manhattan 1.,
excepling those above mentioned, see thek
subjects in the general index.
For local raaps or surveys of various smaller
aubdivislona ot Manhattan I., jee tlie aub¬
ject group-titles, Granls and Farras.
Original; Grants, Bouweries, Farms
etc.; Horoesleada; Parks; Streets; Topo-
grapliical Features; Villages; Wards;
etc. For plans and surveys ot N. Y.
Harbour,  see  that  title  in  the  general

(a) An alphabetical list of cartographers and
map  pubhahers,  and  of such Important
raaps and charts as have particular refer¬
ence to the vidnity of Manhattan 1. {in¬
cluding New Netherland, the Province of
N. Y., and the State of N. Y.), or ddineate
the North East Coast oi North America;
Agnese,  Battista,  Ramuslo-type  map of
(C.  Pl. 17).  with  Verrazzano   names,
2:    1S-16,  134;   maps In  sea-atlas of
Ribeio-type. 29
Alexander's map {1624), earliest printed,

mentioning C. Cod, 2: 30
Alfonse (Allefonsce) de Saintonge, Jehan,
Description ot N. Y. Bay in his "Cos-
mograpliie" (1541-42), and sketch map
of Terra de la Frandscane {C. Pl. 15),
2; 30; description of map, 133; course
of, shown on C. Pl. 58, 168; original
Ms. of his "Cosmographie," 1541
Ag 22; description of North-East coast
from Norumbega to Florida, Ag 22
Allard, Carolus, Notlceof, i: 217; pub. of
Restitutio-.\llardl Map (PL 16-a), 221
Allardl, Hugo, made the "Tollus Neohelgii
Nova et Accuratissima Tabula" [Resti¬
tutio-Allard tj Map (Pl. i6-a), second
state signed Hugo instead of Carolus
Allard. 1: 221-22; made the "Novl
Bdgii novieque Anglise nee non Partis
Virginiie tabulo" (A. Pl. i-b). 3: 861;
world-raap ot (1660). first Dutch map
with name Hudson River, 2; 45; de¬
scription of. 133-56
ApianuB, Worid-raap ot (1520). gives Ves-
pucdus-lype ot coast-line, 2; g; globe-
map In his Cosmographia, 1530, anti¬
quated, 9
".\sher He Adams' new map of the bays,
harbors and rivets around New York:
showing the channels, soundings, light¬
houses, buoys, etc., and the complete
topography of the aurrounding country;
including Hempstead, Sandy-Hook,
Soulh Amboy. Newark, Yonkers, N.
Rodidle & Glencove. Based on the
trigonometrical aurvey, executed in
1836, tor the harbor commissioners of
New York by A. D. Bache." 1874
Bailly. Robertus de. Globe of (C, Pl.
17), shows Verrazzano Sea (1530), 2: 16,
38 n'™, 133; in collection of J, P.
Morgan, 169
" Bdgii Novl Anglise Novte et Partis
VirginiBB Novissima Ddinealio." See
Jansson or Janssonius Prolotype, iiyra
Bennet, R, G., and J. Van Wyk Rz..
"Kaart van Nieuw Nederland," pub.
in 1827, described, 2: 160
Blaeu, Johannes, "Wesl Indische Pas¬
kaert' of, a Ms. chart of eastern coaats
of North Am. (i63g) described, 2: 149;
the aame lost by fire, 149, 163; large
map of the world (1648) described, 133;
mapof North Am. {i63g) described, 154
Blaeu, Willem Jansz, Early chart of
.Atlantic [Firet Paskaart (C. Pis. 25,27)]
found, 2; 78; priority ot, eatablished,
xxviii, 78-82; copied original ot Figura¬
tive Map, 70; first printed map to depict
insularity ot Manhattan 1., 77-78, 84
n", 137, 1617 (4: 43), 1617 (Supp. Ad¬
denda, V, 6); "Paskaart" ot, the firat
printed map to show the name "Nieu
Nederlant," 1617, 2: 78; forbidden
lo allow '"Strait of Le Maire," 2: 79' per¬
mitted lo publish, 80, 1618 Ag 10; Pas¬
kaart described, 2: 80-82, 137-38;
second map. West Indische Paskaeit (C.
Pl. 2S), 80, 82-83, 138; reprints ot, 138;
globe ot (C. PL 29), 84; printed first
Figurativ-e Map (C. Pl. 32), 88-89;
globes ot, described, 138; map of New
Nelh. (CPl. 32), described, 143-144; de¬
scription of Jacobsz's reprint of second
\V. 1. Paskaert,  150-51; description of

Doncker's reprint ot same, 154; Pieter
Goos s reprint otsame described, 134-55;
later ed. oL by Robyn, 158; first ed. of
W. I, Paskaert lost, 163; first ed. of
llorld-Allas by, app^red, 1635; map of
"Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova," the
firat to give name Nieu Amsterdam,
depicted as a fort, 1633
Block,   Adriaen.      See  under  Explorers.

See also Figurative Map, infra
Bolsaye, Le Bocage. Chart of the Atlantic
by (C. PI, 43). found in Paris. 2: xxviii;
described. 156
Bordone.   Benedetto,   world-map   (1328)
shows mixed type coast-line. 2:  9, 133;
lost map of (1508), 9, 162
Boulengier, Ludovlcus, gives Vespucciua-
lypo coaat-line on engraved gores for a
globe (1514). 2:  9
Bourjf, j. B.. "Kaart van Nieuw-Neder¬
land" (pub. in 1818), described. 2:  160
Bradley,   Abr,,   jr.,   Map  ot  the  U.   S.,

pub., 6 A I7g6 S 26
Brigga, Henri, Map ot, engraved by
R. Elstracke (1623) has "Hudson River,"
1624, 2; 43- one of earlieat printed,
mentioning C, Cod, 30; sketchy por¬
trayal oi the Hudaon on, gs; earlier
than 1623, 96; descriprion of, 140
BuchchusChart(PI. 2. V. 1; C. PI. 38, v. 2),
ot coasl from Delaware Bay to Manhat¬
tan laland (c. 1640), a Ms. raap hy Ar¬
noldus Buchehus, 2: 113-15; description
oL 1: 136-37, 2; 150; inscription on, i:
136: names on, spelled In good old
Dutch, t; 137, 2: 130; possibly copy
of a draught by Minuit, 1630, i: 136-37;
islands In outer bay on, also on Cham-
plain's Great Map, 137, See also
Buchelius. Arnoldus (in general index)
Cabot. John (see under Explorers), Dis¬
coveries of, shown on the Della Cosa
Map {C, Pl. I), the Ruysch Map (C.
Pl. 2). etc.. 2: 8
Cabot. Sebastian. Map of 1344 (C. PL 18).
1544,2:133; combined wilh Vespucdus-
lype, 9-10; Verrazzano's infiuence on, 2:
17, 133; gives the Chaves-type of eastern
coast, 26. See also Explorers
Calapoda, Maps of the worid by  {1332,

1363). show Vertazzano Sea, 2:  16
Caneno Chart (C. Pl. 3), 2:  7;  a copy of
the Cantino  Map,  7;    based on  Ves¬
pucdus,  1497  My  10,  2:    7;   descrip¬
tion ot,  131;   made between 1502 and

Cantino Chart (C. Pl. 3). 1302. omits
coast-line trora Gulf of Honduras to
Florida, 3; 6-7; based on Vespuccius,
------""7 10, 2;  7;  description of, 131;


_.. ._  --------- _.  ,316 of Waldseemllller

(C. PI. s) shows Vespuccius-lype, 2:   8

Carta Marina In Gastaldi's Ptolemy, 1348,
has Verrazzano Sea, 2:   16

"Carta particolare," The, ot Robt. Dud¬
ley {C. Pl, 37-a). 2: IOO 102, 153; influ¬
ence of, on a Spanish map, 12s

Cartas de Indias, Spanish map in, (C.
PI. 18);  shows Ribero-type. 2:   29

Cartographere, Italian, adhered lo Ribero-
type. 2:  29

Cartographers. Spanish, work of. in
Europe {1323-36). 2:  26

Castello (Villa) Collection of drawings (now
in the Biblioteca Laurenzlana, Florence),
2; 174-76

Castighoni Map of 1323 (C. Pis. 7-8),
Discoveries ot (Somez filled in on, 1523,
2: 18, ig; coast-line ot, ig; description
of Ihe, 132; coast-line from Labrador
to South Am., 1317 O 25

Champlain, Samuel de. See under Explorers

Chaves, Alonso de. Ms. of, found, 2:
xxv, xxix; 1536; Padron general draivn
by {1336), lost, 2: 22, 39, 162; coast
described trora, by Oviedo, 22; raap by
Lopo Homem found, copied from
Chaves's chart, 22; original Ms.
description of coasts by, found, xxv,
xxLx, 22-23; changes by. In padron
real of Ribero, 23, 26; had more material
frora unknown sources, 23-26; raapa
allowing Chaves-type, 27-28; note on,
by Dr. Wieder, and comparison with
Horaem'a map and Oviedo's text, 39-40;
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