Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 6)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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  Page 481  

V, 3), and described, 3: 869; date
depicted (1785). 869; Caaiinir Th.
Goerck. aulhor of. 869

Plan of the City of N. Y., drawn by J.
McCorab, Jr., and engraved by C. Tie¬
bout. 1789 Jl 10; in N, Y. directory (for
1789). Jl 10

"Draft of a Survey" ot N. Y. Cily. by
Bancker (undated, bet., 1791 and 1803),
showing seven wards, i: 359; aroh
bridge at Canal St., shown tor firat time
on. 3Sg

Map of the aouth-eaat part of N. Y, City
from the Battery to Crown Point, 1795

Taylor-Roberts Plan ("A New & Accurate
Plan of the City of New York in the
State of New York in North America.
Publiahed in I797"), reproduced (Pl,
64), and described, 1: 442; date de¬
picted (1796), i: 442

"A Map of the Coraraon Lands," etc.,
reproduced {A. PI. g-b, v. 3), and
described, 3: 869: date depicted (Mr
1, 1796). S69; Casimir Th. Goeick.
author ot, S6g

Goerck-Mangin Plan ("A Plan and Regu¬
lalion of the City of New-York." etc.),
reproduced (Pl. 70). and described.
1: 434-55; Cas. Th. Goerck sub¬
mits a plan. 1797 Mr 20: Jos, Fr.
Mangin names conditions for mak¬
ing plan, Ap 11; joint proposal of
Goerck and Mangin for a plan. N
8; draft of articles of agreement
for survey and map presented lo the
C. C, D 11; Goerck having died (i: 434).
Mangin completes, and Mayor submits
it to the C. C, 1799 Ap lO; engraved
by Maverick, Jl is; J200 advanced
by C. C. to Mangin on account ot, Ap
10; other payments to Mangin, Ag 14,
1802 S 13; C. C. ordera plan examined
and expenses indemnified, 1803 F 14;
directions of proposed streets on,
changed, F 14; advertised for sale,
Jl 12; dale issued (Nov. 1803), i; 434;
recalled on account of inaccurades. N
28; the inaccuracies indicated by a
paster on, N 28; remaining copies of, lo
be sold, 1811 N 4

Map of north side 01 dty from the Battery
lo the state prison, referred lo the C. C.
by the streel comr., 1804 O 29; filed in
office of pies, ot Borough of Manhattan,

N. Y. City, Plan ot, pub. by I. Riley, 1807
S 22

Maps of shores ot East River and Hudson
River, surveyed bv Poppleton and
Bridges {1810-1814). 3: 563

The Randel Survey or the Commlsaionera'
Map ("A Map of the City ot New
York by the Ctommisslonera appointed
by the act ot the Leglslalure passed.
April 3rd 1807"), Streel comr. to report
expense of making a map and aurvey of
Manhattan I., 1805 Ja 14; street comr.
and surveyors to make sarae, F 13;
resolution for making, referred to com.,
1806 Ja 20; draft of act for appointing
comrs. tor. referred. F 3; Mr. Hasler of
Phila. to he invited lo treat wilh C. C.
relative to making, Je 2, 30; sickness
prevents Mr. Hasler troro raaking, O 20;
petition tor appoinlment of corars. for,
to be revised, 1807 Ja 26; meraorial to
leg. to enable city to make, adopted by
C. C, F 16; De Witt, Morris, and
Rutherford recommended as comre. for
making, Mr 4; these comra. appointed
by act ot the leg. tor making, Ap 3, i:
470, 471; map to be made in triplicate,
Ap 3, My 18; powers ot the comrs.
under the ad, 1: 471; summary ot
proceedings leading lo, Ap 3; report ot
the comra., 1473-73; date of the map,
1811 Ap 1; the map reproduced (PI.
79); and described, 1; 470-73; drawn
in triplicate and filed as required by tha
act (of Ap, 3. 1807), 1811 Ap 1; loaned
to Wm. Bridges. My 13 (see also The
Bridges Map); variously modified in
streets, aquarea, etc., by later leg. cnact-
raente {see, for example, 1812 Ja 17,
F 17. O 13, 1814 Ap 13, 1867 Ap 24;
and see Streets, also Parks); decision
of C. C. on righl to publish. 1813 Ja 4;
where to find a detail of, showing owneis
of lots between Ail Sl. and 16th St.,
1820.   See alao Randel. John, Jr., infra

The Bridges Manor Randel Survey ("Map
of the City ot New York and Island of


Manhattan as laid out by the Commis¬
sioners appointed by the Legislature
April 3d 1807"). reproduced (Pl. 80-b);
and described. 3: 3;i2-49; proposals
advertised tor publishing, 1811 My 13;
Wra. Bridges publiahea this engraved
copy which he has drawn of the Randel
Survey (g. v.), without credit to Randel,
N 16, Pl. 80-h, 3: 542-49; copies ot. to be
coloured and mounted and presented to
Comrs. Morris and Rutherford. 1812
O 26; 40 copies ot engraved, ordered by
C. C, Ja 4; Randel poinls out inac-
curaciea in (1814). 3: 34ii-48. See alio
Bridges, Wm. (under Surveyore)

The Randel Plan ("The Cily ot New York
as laid out by the Commissionera with
the aurrounding Country"), reproduced
(A. Pl. 13), and described, 3; 543, 874;
drawn by J, Randel, Jr„ 874; date
depicted (1814). 874

"A Military Topographical Map of Haer¬
lem Heights and Plain." reproduced
(Pl. 82 A); and deacribed. 3: 55i;
drawn by W, J, Prodor. 331; date
depicted (1814), 331

Blue Book, Map ol the farma (1815). com¬
monly called the, 3: 566; reproduced by
Otto Sackeredorff, dty surveyor, and
pub. In 1S68, 566. See also Ms. Map of
the Farms (Randd's), infra

Map ot N. Y. City, wilh Lyne Survey as
an inset plan in margin, issued by
David Longworth, 1817

Ms. Map of the Farms, The C. C. orders
that, be made from aurveys by John
Randel, Jr., 1812 N 9; contrad of road
committee with Randel, for making,
181B Ja 26; filed in bureau of topogra¬
phy, borough prealdent'a office, Ja 26;
dated (1820), Ja 26; reproduced (Pl,
S6), and described, 3:  564

"A Map of the City of New York." repro¬
duced (PI. gg), and described. 3; sgi;
copyrighl date ot. 1827 Ap 20; copy
tor each member ot C. C. lo be pro¬
cured. N 5

Map of the City of New York, induding
part of Brooklyn. Jersey City. Hoboken,
etc.. from aurvey by K W. Bridgea. pub.
by Richard Patten and now in bureau ot
topography. 1829

Map of N. Y. City, by Wra. Chapin, 1833

Map of N. Y, City, by David H. Burr,
1833 Jl 16

The Colton Map ("Topographical Map of
the City and County of New York"),
First state ot, pub. by J. H, Colton 8:
Co.. 1836; accompanied by descriptive
booklet, 1836; copies of the map given
to aldermen, Jl 6; second state of
("Topographical Map ot the City and
Counly ot New-York, and the adjacent
Country"), reproduced (PL 124), and
deacribed, 3: 6S7-SS; dale depicted
(1840), 687; pub. {1841) by J. H. Col¬
ton & Co., 687

Topographical Map ot N. Y. City, by Sher¬
man & Smith, 1843

Map of N. Y. City,' in Val. Man.. 1847,

described, 3:  706-7;  John . .     ______

C. E., its author, 706; date depicted
(1850I, 706; pub. by M. Drippa, 706;
glvea names ot all important buildings,
parks, markets, cemeteries, etc.; views
on border of, 707

The Dripps Map ("Map ot that Part of
the City and County ot New-York
North ot soth St."), reproduced (Pl.
138 A), and described, 3: 707; date
depicted (1850), 707; H. A. Jones,
C. E., author of, 707j M. Dripps pub. ot,
707; showingalso vignettes ot buildings,
707; the C. C. orders 30 sets of the two
Dripps raaps. 1831 D 18; a folio voL of
ig sheets pub., 1876

Hydrographic Map of N. Y., Westchester
and Putnam Counties, in Val. Man.,

Perris' raaps, 1852-1835. See complete list
of maps by Wm. Perris, 6 Supp. Add.

Map of N. Y, City in Phelps's N. Y. City


Plan of N. Y. City, showing made and
swamp lands, pub. in Val. Man.. 1856

Map (3 parts) of N. Y., Brooklyn, jeraey
City, Hoboken, and Hudson, pub. in
Val. Man., i860

The Viele Map ("Sanitary & Topographi¬
cal Map ot the City and laland of New
York"), reproduced (Pl. iss-b), and
deacribed, 3: 777-78; date depleted
(1864). 777; Egbert L. Viele its author,
777; pub. by D. Appleton & Co., 777;
one of the reaults of study ot public
health, 1863, 186s N 3

Holmes' Maps, 1863-1887. See complete
list of maps byj. B. Holmes, 6 Supp. Add.

Map of the Buaineas Portion of New York
City, by J. F. Lloyd, 1867

"Map ot Upper part of city . . . S7th
St. lo Kingsbridge," 1868; compiled,
etc., under direction ot Hamilton E.
Towie, 1868

Map ot the Farms, hy Otto Sackersdorff.
dty surveyor, pub. in 1868. based on
"Blue Book" of 1813. 3: 566

Map of N. Y. City showing political divi¬
sions and aubdivisions, pub. In Val.
Afon., 1869. 1S70; filed in bureau of
topography as "Map No. 3686." 1870

Index-map {of 70 sheets) of Manhattan I.
north of 42nd St.. pub. by Wallace &
Shillington. 1873

"N, Y. dty . . . embradng homes of
business men." pub, by H. H. Lloyd &
Co., 1876

" Colton's New Map ot the City Sc Counly
of New York," reproduced (PI. 133 A),
and described, 3: 837, 1874; dale
depicted (1878), 837; pub. by G. W.
Sc C. B. Colton, 837

"The City of New York" {a map or
bird's-eye view), reproduced (PI.
154), and described, 3: 776-77; drawn
by Wm, I. Taylor, 776; date depicted
{1870), 776; shows practically every
building. 776; shows opposite shore of
N. J.,  777

Atlas of the Cily of New York. In one vol.,
pub, by Bromley & Co.. 1879

Map ot additions and revisions of the
West Side. pub. by Jaa. R. Oroes. 1B79

Allaa ot the City of N. Y., in 6 vols., pub.
byE. Robinson and R.H. Pidgeon. 1880

Map of eastern part ot De Lancey farm,
pub. by Beera & Co., 1880

Map ot Corlear'a Hook farm, 1880

Certified copies of original maps ot property
In N, Y. City, 93 folios, coloured, pub.
by Spielmann & Brush, 1881

Map of Ihe water-front, by David L.
Bradley, 1S81

Atlas of Ihe City ot N. Y„ pub. by Elisha
Robinson, 1S83

"Atlas ot the Metropolitan district . , .
and counties," i8gi

A land map, pub. by the board of taxes and
asseaements. 1891 Ja 1

General Map ot the City ot New York, by
L. A. Riase, reproduced (PI, is 7-b).
and deacribed, 3: 840; date depleted
(igoo), 840; receives a grand prix at
Paris Exposition, 1900

Maps, showing north\vard expansion of
dty, {1642 to igoo). 6 A 18S0

"General Map of the City of New York,"
reproduced (PI. 162), and described, 3;
843-43; a product of the City Improve¬
roent Commission, 843; date when pre¬
pared {1907), 843

Map of Manhattan I. in 1908 (" Insurance
and Real Estate Plan of the Island pub¬
lished by G. W. Bromley," 2: xxxii),
reproduced as a sectional map of 50
plates, 2:  432 d seq.

The Landmark Map (Pis. 174-80, v. 3),
Description ot, 3; 921-1026; reference-
key for same, 923-1013;   block-key for

(c) Alphabetical  finding-list of the makers
and   publishers  of  the  more  important
general maps oi Manhattan 1., New Am¬
sterdam, and N. Y. City.   (For makers of
maps of the smaller subdivisions ot Man¬
hattan I., see the subjects indicated at the
beginning of group b, suf>ra)
Asher & Adams, publishere ot a New map
of bays, harbors and rivers around New
York, 1&74.   (See full title under N. Y.
City maps in group b, supra)
Bache, Alex. D., Leg. engages, to continue
harbor commission's map of harbour and
land adjacent, 1838 Ap 17;   map from
surveys of, pub., 1874
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