Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 6)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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(Surveyors.—Contin u ed)

Renwick, Jas,, Survey for " Proctor's Mililary
Topographical Map of Haerlem Heights
and Plain" (PI. 82 A), 3: 55i; communi-
cation to C. C. on draining Canal St.. 1817
My s: incorporator of Wesl Point Foun¬
dry Aaaoc., 1818 Ap 13; ot N. Y. Harlaem
Spring Water Co., 1826; paintinga owned
by, 1834

Risse, Louis A., topographical engineer. See
Maps and Map Makers

Romer, Cot. Wolfgang Wm. See general index

Ryder, Robt., surveyor, renta office from P,
Buya, 2; 239; Ms. Map of Long I, by, in¬
cludes Manhattan, 1670; description ot aur¬
vey tor G. Curtese, 1676 N 10; Ms. map of
L. I. by, N 20; engaged by Harlem to lay
out lots at Spuylen Duyvil, 1677; survey
for }. Fabrlcus, Mr 13; survey for J.
Danielson, Mr 15; survey for J. Young,
My 1; survey for H. H. Bosch, Jl 9; sur¬
vey tor D. Devoor, Jl 9; survey tor J.
Benew, S 29; aurveyor tor Capl. De Meyer,
S 29; survey for A. Shotwell, S 29; survey
tor W. Webber and othera, O 26; survey
tor P. Janaen, N 10; survey tor P. Jacob-
sen, 1679 D 5; survey tor Y, Johnson, D s;
survey tor C. Caster, D 3; survey tor S.
Peleraon, D s

Sackeradorff, Otto, city aurveyor. author ot
"Map of the Farms" based on the "Blue
Book" of 181S, pub. in 1868, 3;  566

Schuyler, Brandt, 2d, appointed city sur¬
veyor, 1744 My 18; warrant lo carry
Frendi prisonera to French Islands given,
1743 Je 14; to make survey of A. Lynsen's
land. 1746 Mr 10; reimbursed tor
advances, 1748 Mr 24; makes plan show¬
ing location of Eng. school-house and old
Lutheran church, 1749 Ap 27; reimbutsed
for amount paid on fire-engines, 1730 F 4.
See also 6:   84, Id

Serrell, Jas. E., dvil engineer. Report ot, on
atate araenal, 1847 N 4; dtV surveyor,
1867 D; meraorial to congress on filling
up Hell-Gate, etc., 1867

Sertdl, John J., aurveys dty property. 1838,
Ag; aurveys Common Lands, 1848, 1852;
surveys gore at Fifth Ave. and 23d St., 1848

Shaw. Chas. B., city surveyor, aaka for loan of
drawing of cily hall lo make an engraving,
1828 N 17

Shaw, Robt., ia given warrant to survey land
for slaughter-house, etc., 1684 N 13

Sinclair, Jas,, cily surveyor, surveys for
Cenlral Park (1853-57). 3:   724

Slodt, Jan Pielersen,  See general index

Smith, Edwin, appointed city aurveyor, 1B31
Mr 21; plan ot the proposed Harlem Canal
made by (Jan. 22, 1836). 1835 F 28;
survey of "Murray Hill Square," 1836;
surveys Hatlem Markel grounds, 1B40

Smith, Geo. W„ surveys Common Lands,

Sraith, Capt. John, See Exploi
Srailh. John, dismissed aa aurve. .
Spencer, Reuben, cily surveyor, 1828 Ap 21
Stilwell, Sara., one ot three surveyors lo
determine dllference in level belween
North and Eaat Rivera, 1804 My 21; an
authorised city surveyor wilh addresa in
Bowery near Bull'a Head, 180BS8. Seealso
6: g6
Stoutenburgh, Isaac, Jr., city surveyor,
appointed, 1784 F 17; authorised to aell
forfeited eatates, Ap 6; corar. ot forfeitures.
Ag 16; comr. tor preparing aite tor govern¬
ment house. i7go Ap 6; ordered paid tor
work on wharf at Battery, Ag 27; amounts
paid to, during year, i7gi D 12, I7g2 N s;
makes verbal report lo C. C. on improve¬
ments needed al Battery, 1792 Mr 12;
ordered to proceed with work, Jc 11; plan
of fence tor Battery approved, Ag 27; paid
for surveying Bloomingdale Road, 1793
My 6; chairman of com. on erecting new
almshouse, 1794 Je 16; C. C. pays, £1,000
tor materials tor almshouse, Je 30; renders
account of money spenl on erection of alms¬
house, 1795 N 16; to ask C. C. lo sell
bridewell and land tor a state priaon, 1796

Taylor, Benj., cily surveyor, 1794 O 20;
plan of, lo supply dty with water, referred
by C. C, 1795 Ap 7; drawa the Taylor-
Robeita Plan of the city (PL 64). i: 442;
lelter of. on canal from Freah Water Pond
to North R. referred, 1796 Mr 14; office
at New Bath St.. 1808 S 8

Taylor, R., makes map of parcel of land
belonging lo estate ot Sir Peter Warren al
Greenwidi, 1793 N4; roads shown on, N 4

Van Couwenhoven. Pieter Woiphertsen.  See

general Index
Vanderburgh, Dirck.  See general Index
Vander Grift, Paulua L.   See general index
Van Dincklagen, Lubbertus. See general Index
Van Elalandt, Claea, Sr.  See general index
Van Tienhoven, Cornelis, 1647 Jl  22.     See

general index
Wells (Wdlesl. Philip (Phillip), Palenl to.
for part ot ground ot Ihe Wesl India
Company's "Five Housea," 1633, 1680 O
15. D 2, 1681 D 31, 2: 260, 381; appoint¬
ed surveyor-general, 1683; N. Y.-Conn.
boundary-line and N. Y.-Eaal N. J. line
aurveyed by, 1683; lo survey Gov.'s Vine¬
yard, 16B3AP 6; lo aurvey lols on Pearl St.,
Jl 25; made Ms. survey ot Paparinimin,
4 A 1685 Ag 10; makea general survey
of N. V. Island. 1686; "A Sand-draught
of New-York Harbour" (PL 21) by, 1: 232,

Whitlock, Wm., surveyor, surveys Common

Lands In Twelfth Ward. 183B
Zoeller,  Christian  E..  city surveyor,   1810

Sorveyoh-general (Province ot N. Y.),
Andries Hudde (g. v.) appointed, 1642 Je 26.
1634 D 17; Jacques Cortelyou (g. v.) ap¬
pointed. 1657 Ja 23; Philip Wells (q. v.)
appointed. 1683; Wm. Dyre (g.v.). Ja
4; Augustine Grahara (q. v.) appoinled.
i6gi Jl 4; sworn in. 1693 Ja 19; Edw,
Randolph. i6g8 Je 7; Pieter Cortelyou,
1700 O 19; Cadwallader Colden (q.v.). ap.
pointed, 1720 F 18, Ap 21; Alex. Colden
(q.v.) to assist his father as, 17S1; Alex.
Colden raade, 1762 F 10; David Colden
(g. V.) made. 1774 Je 29. D 20; Col. Edraund
Fanning (g. v.) sworn In as. 177S Je 29;
executora of Alex. Colden (g. v,) ta deliver to
surveyor-general of the stale the papers, etc.,
of his office. 1784 Ap 2

Surveyor-general (State of N, Y.), to survey
ground adjacent to Fort George, 1788 Mr 12;
to survey Nutten or Governor's I. and lay
out Into lols for sale by. Mr 12; to dispose ot
torfeited eatates, Mr 21; reporl ot Sebastian
Bauman to, regarding need ot fortifications
tor harbour, Je 10; Simeon DeWitt (g. v.).
Je 10; to sell worth ot stale lands.
1808 Ap 11; money to be used tor interment
and raonument to prison-ship martyrs, Ap 11

Surveys, Cora, ot C. C. on. to contracl with
John Randel. Jr., to survey avenues and
cross-streets and to place markers at inter¬
sections. 1810 D 31; report ot. 1812 N g;
authorised lo make arrangements with
Randel tor map, N 9; report ot, on contract'
with Randel and setting of monumental-
stones, 1B13 N 1; of dty property by J, J.
Serrell, 1838 Ag; Beekman collection of,
3: 86s, 866. See also Maps and Map Mak¬
ere; Surveyors

SURVILLIERS, Count. See Travellera and Dis¬
tinguished Visitors

Suspension bridges, proposed, hy Pope, 1811;
by Gray, 1848 D 21. For the Brooklyn
Bridge, etc., see group-title Bridges

Susquehanna River, on second Figurative
Map, 2; 74; on the Minuit Map of N. Neth.,
112; correctly shown on the Janssonius-
Viaacher Map, iiB

Sutcliff, Robt. See Travellers and Distin¬
guished Iflsitora

Sutcliffe, Alice Crary, author of Robert Fullon
and the "Clermont" (i90g), 6: 280

Svignine, Paul.  See Artlats

SwAEN, Jan, huys No. 6, Block L, Caatello
Plan, from H. Barensen, 2; 290; suits
against, 2go; aella to J. Verveelen and re¬
turns to Stockholm, 290; ground-brief to,
and deeds to Hans Steyn and L, D. Vander¬
burgh, 1654 O 23, 2: 361; deeds to, and trom,
of Monfoort lot, 394

Swaine, John, publishes the Bowery Republican,
1806 Ag 29

SwAN, Cyrus, Letter ot, on Croton R. tor water
supply, 1831 D

Swan, Thos.  See Adora, Actresses, etc.

"Swan Banquet," at Delraonlco's given by Mr.
Luckmeyer, 1873 F 17

"SwANENDAEL," colouy touuded (1629) on
Ddaware Bay by DeVries, 2; 117,1653030

Swannekens (Dulch), supplied with food for
two wintera hy Indians, 1614 (4; 40)

SwAENENBURGH, Village ot, "Baicquiere" jjcti-
tion city court for leave to sail their sloops to
the, 1674 Ap 8/18

Swart. Barent Dircksen, full name of Barent
Dircksen. 2:  igi, 1639 Jl 7.  See oljo 6:  149

Swart (Hdlekers). Jacob, called " Black
Jacob,"  House  of,   No.   18.   Block  A,  on

Castello Plan, 2; 223-26.364; sells house to
Domine Drisius, 226, 364

Swartwout, CoL John, Two regiments of
Heath's division to join, 1776 O 17; wounded
in duel with De Wilt CHnton, 1802 Jl 28

Swartwout, Jacobus, writes that French at
"Messasippi" are preparing snowshoes for
attack on frontier, 1745 D n

Swartwout, S.. collector ot the port. Letter
from, transmitting petillon of merchants for
a new custom-house, 1832 My 31

Swartwout, Thos.. in litigation over Monfoort
grants, 2:  2Sg-po

Swearing, Penaltiea for, 1656 D 9; acl againat,
passed, 1685 N 3; Belloraont issues proc,
against, 169S Ap 2; proc. printed as a
broadside (Pl. 23-b), 4: 464

Swedes ot New Sweden, capture Fort Caai¬
mir, 1654 My 22/Je 1; capitulation ot,
necessary, 1656 Jc 10

SwEPESand Dulch on the Delaware, capitulate
to the English, 1664 Ol

Swedish colonista, purchase from Indians the
land trora the Ddaware lo the Schuykill,
4 A 1638 Mr 29

Swedish aettleraents on the Delaware, ahown
on the Janasonius-Vlsscher Map, 2; 119;
Stuyvesant's report on, contains Indians'
statement that Dutch were eariiest seltleta,
1624 My; Sluyvesant and council proclaim
day of fasting, etc.. for divine blessing on
Dulch expedition againat, 1655 Ag 25; expedi¬
tion againal, commanded hy Stuyvesant, S
5; De Sille on the, O 27; conciliation be¬
tween English and, 1664 S3/13; sign oath of

Sweeney, Peter B.. raeraber of Tweed ring,
city chamberiain and county treasurer. 3:
731; city surrendered to Tweed and, 1870
Ap 3; presidenl of new park board, Ap 11;
member ot board ot finance, 3; 732; of ad
interim board of audit ot county, 1871 Ap 19;
resigns as park comr. and flees to Europe,

^ 3: 734     ^
Sweetsen. Barent, 0
chants," 1614 O ii
Swift, Henry, vintn

voted a freeman Ji

i of the "thirteen n

Lord Lovelace, 1708
raittees raeet al lav
a for pay foi

r. Warrant to pay, for
Cornbury, 1707 N 21;

furniahes   dinner  given

1 D 17;  legialatlve cora-

ern  oL 1710  N 17, 18;

.   ' a dinner in honour of

and   tor   boarding   French

prisoners, 1712 My 7

Swift. Gen. John. Eldest male heir of, to be
given a sword, 1814 O 22

Swift. Gen. Jos. G., ot U. S. Corps of Engin¬
eera. plans defences erected at Hell Gate, by
citizen volunteers, 1814 Je 10; report ot, on
the defence of city, having maps, plana, and
views accompanying it, D 31; lisl ot these,
3: 352-33; C. C. directa that these be pre¬
served and asks tor portrail of. 1B13 N 6;
drawings trora this collection reproduced.
Pis. 82 A, 82 B-a, b, and c (v. 3)

SwiNE. See Hogs

SwiNTON, Isaac, ordered to seize booka of
Santen, collector ot cuatoma, 1686 S 20; sec,
of the province (M. C. C. I:  282)

Swns, Claes Cornelis, An obligation assigned
to, pasaed by Cornells van Voret, of which
payment ia asked by the Co., 1636; leases
the Otterspoor from J. van Curler, 1638,
1639 ja 24; conveys lo Maryn Adriaensen, a
houae and plantation, F ig; murdered by a
Weckquesgeek Indian, 1641 Ag 29; ground-
brief to, tor Bouwery No. 3. 1643 D 13;
warned by council to cultivate and pay
tithea, 1648 Ap 20.  See olso 6:  92, 93

Switts (Swils), Cornelys Claesen, 6:   gi, 92

SwoROS, T, and J., publish The New York Mag¬
azine, or Literary Reposilory, 1790 Ja; pub¬
lishera  ot   The  Theological   Magazine, 1795

Swords, advertised by C. O. Bruff. 1775 Je 19;

presented to several generals hy N, Y. leg..
'    1814O22, i8isAp6
SwYNOCK, Sam., trustee, conveys Stuyvesant's

great-house to Dongan, 1686 Mr 11
Sybil's Cave. Hoboken. i84g
Syboutsen (Sybesen). Harck. Deed from L.

Pietersen and, to L. D. Van Bergh, 2: 398;

acknowledges   aale   ot   houae   and   lot   to

Barent Dircksen, 1643 N
Sybrantsen db Veeingh. Claes. Land ot, No,

IS,   Block   M,   Castello   Plan,   granted   to

Domine Megapolensis, 2:   301;   partner ot

Jan Schepmoes, 301;  Hnes of. preserved on

POf   II

i. 301
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