Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 6)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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Bryan's Tavern, opposite the Coffee Houae,

mentioned, 1782 Je 4
Buck Horn Tavern.    See L. M. R.  K., 3:

Buckingham Hotel, al a. e. cor. of Fifth Ave.
and solh St., opened, 1876; Emperor and
Erapreaa of Brazil atay al, Jl 3

Buckmaster's Tavern. Sre ' Buckraaster.
Edw. (in general index)

Bull's Head Tavern, 46-48 Bowery, kept by
Geo. Brewetron. artidea atolen from, 173S
D 15; hiatory of, D 15; Caleb Hyatt,
proprietor, succeeded by Thos, Bayeux,
1763 je 23; slaughter-house at, Je 23; C.
Vandenbergh proprietor ot, 1771 My 6;
j. Bates to perform feats of horsemanship
at, 1773 Je 2; Rich. Varian proprietor of,
public pound at, Je 17; volunteers to enliat
al, 1778 O ig; Pell, proprietor ot, offera
teward for retum ot horse strayed trora
pasture at, 1780 D 25; now kept by Mra.
Varian, Gov. Clinton and Gen. Washing-
ington lo be met at. by citizens and troops,
1783 N 20, 21, 24; Waahington and Clinton
meet at, N 25; aold in 1783 by Bayard to
Aahdore (Aator). 3; 977; public pound lo
be kept at, by Rich. Varian, 1785 Ap 30;
one of the important taverns, R. Varian,
proprietor, 1789; political raeetings held
at, 1797 Ap 22; property of, sold, 1825 O
20; N. Y. or Bowery Theatre (g. v.. under
Theatrea, etc.) erected on site. O 20, D 17,
1826 Je 17; called "The Theatre Hall" and
kept as a porter-house, gulled by fire, 1838
F 18,   See also L. M. R. K., 3: 977

Bull's Head Tavern, 24111 St. and Third Ave.,
destroyed by fire, 1841 Je 2

Bunch of Grapes, The, 113 Broadway,
Province Arms (g. v.). taken by W. Hick,
becomes, 1778 Ja 17, 3i; later history of,
Ta3l; Refugee Club meets al, I779 Ja 11,
My 29; supper al, in honour of queen's
birthday, 1780 Ja 18; later called Rou¬
balet's Tavern (g. v.). See also L. M.
R. K., 3: 977. under City Tavern

Bunch ot Grapes, The. at No. 11 Nassau St.,
(ihristopher Tomlinson proprietor of, 1800
Jl 3;  N. Y. Cricket Club to raeet at. 1803

Bunch of Grapes, The, al Kingsbridge. kept
by Jas. Bernard (in 1759). 1748 Je 13

Bunker's Mansion House, at Nos. 39-41
Broadway, 3; 977; early history of site,
977; established as a tavern, 1821; ahown
in 1826 on Pl. gS, 3; 590; view of, in Val.
Man. (of 1855). i83l;at39 Broadway. 1B47;
on Pl. 3 of Bourne viewa, 3: 393; olher
viewa of, L. M. R. K., 3;  977

Burn's (Thos.) Tavern. Wall and Water Sts..
(iargo of prize "Cliarralng Molly" to be
sold at, 1743 Ss

Burnham's Hotel (Manaion Houae), Broad¬
way, 7Blh to 79II1 St.. Vandenheuvd man¬
sion {ff. v., under Horaesteads) fitted up as.
1792, 1831 My 25; view ot. in Val. Man.,
1837; a roadside resort. 1861 JL See also
L. M. R. K., 3: 952

Burtow's Tavern, Wall St.. Meeting lo be

«hBld al, forraeriy Brock's Tavern (q.v.).
1777 O 22

Cats Martin, moves from Univeraity Pl. to
site of old Delmonico's at Fifth Ave. and
26th St., igoi My 4

CarapbeH'a Tavern, at Coriaer'a Hook, for
aale, 1782 My 11

Campbell's (Geo.) Tavern, in Irish St..
Thoroughbred pointer to be sold al. 1773
Ap2g; mentioned. 1782 Je 4

Cannon's Tavern, al Coricar's Hook, 1778
Je 13: game of cricket played at, Je 13

Cape's Tavern, us Broadway. Roubalet's
Tavern (g.v.), laken by John Cape, be¬
comes. 1783 O 13; offered for sale. N 5;
meeling of returned inhabitanta at. N 18;
resolutions adopied at. regarding badge of
distinction and reception to Gov. Clinlon
and (3en. Washinglon. N 20; ofiicers asked
to meelal. N 21; Evacuation Day proces¬
sion to march lo. N 24; Gov. Clinton and
Gen. Washington given entertainment al,
N 28; lUl of toasts drunk at dinner al,
N 28; entertainment to Ambassador
Luzerne given by Gov. Clinton at, D 2;
Whigs meet at, and nominate candidates
for aenate and aasembly, D 17; dandng
assembly at, D 18; heirs of A. Bogardus
to raeet at, 1784 My ig; Soc. of Cincin¬
nati raeets al, Jl S; entertainment given to
Lafayette al, S 14: stages leave from, 1785
Je 23; porter-room opened in, N 19; festival
ol St. John the Evangelist celebrated at, D
27;  taken by Joseph Corre, becomea City

Tavern (g. v.). 1786 Mr g. See also L, M.
R. K., 3: g77, under City Tavern

Carlton House, The, at cor. of Broadway and
Leonatd St., Two private residences united
lo form, 1837 D 22, 1850; one of the prin¬
cipal hotels, 1847;  lith. view ot, 3:  8gg

Carroll House, 722 Broadway, dates from
this year, 1853

Calo'a, 54lh Sl. eaat ot Second Ave., popular
with sportsmen, 1835; demoliahed, 1853;
view of, in Val. Man., 1833. See also
L. M. R. K.. 3:  977

Chatdevine's (EHas) Tavern, raeeting-place
of justices and othera while inquiring Into
Negro plot, 1721 Ap 18

Charing-Cross Tavern, Broadwav. to let.
1778 5 2

Chequer Tavern and London Porter House.
Cherry St., 1779 D 4

Circus Coffee House, Greenwich St.. Chris¬
topher Tomlinson, proprietor of. raoves lo
Bunch ot Grapes (ff. v.), 1800 Jl 5

City Arms, 115 Broadway. See Province

City Hotel (Tontine City Hold. Tontine
City Tavern), 113 Broadway, Property ot
City Tavern (q. v.) purchased for, 1793 Ja
24; history of, Ja 24, 3: 688-Bg; first
building in city to have slate root, i: 387;
aboul to be erected, proprietors perrailted
to make area to building, i7g4 Ag 4; Jas.
Wilson, arehltect, announces that he did
not make plan of, i793 My ig; view ot, in
dty directory, 1796; almost ready tor uae,
I7g6 O 2; part of, ahown (i793-g4) on
Pl. 56. 1: 421. 6 A 1796; ahown (1796-97)
on PI. 65, 443; first ball held In. 1797 F 22;
Stuart's portrait ot Washinglon on exhi¬
bition al, 1798 F I, 6; Washington's birth¬
day celebrated at, F 22; custora-house
moved to, S 1; shown on water-colout
drawing by Holland, 1799, (PL 68-a) 1:
450; mourning for Washington to be worn
at, on meeting of City Assembly, D 23;
offered for sale, described, 1800 F 6, 3:
688; aemi-annual concert of Philharmonic
Soc. to be held al, D 8; again offered for
sale, 1801 F 7, 3: 688; meeting-place of
Federal Republicans, F 7; sold lo Ezra
Weeka, N 20, 3: 688-8g; still unfinished,
N 20; lo be opened by John Lovett, 1B02
Mr 30; Philharmonic Soc. meets at, 1804
O 27: New England Soc. holds first public
meeting at, 1805 My 6; RobL Sutcliff,
English Quaker, the only guest al, during
yellow fever epidemic, O 21; under man¬
agement of C. Dusseaussoir, 1807 Ap 24,
3: 68g; John Lambert on, N 24; coal firat
burned In N. Y. City at, i8iO N 23; read¬
ing room eatablished in front of, i8ii F 15;

' dinner held at, in honour of Decatur, Hull,
and Jonea, lEiz D 2g; Washington Irving
describes dinner at, D 2g; dinner held
at, in honour ot searaen of frigate "United
Statea," 1B13 Ja 4; illuminated in honour
ot victories of Peiry and Hartison, O 23;
Sunday School Union Soc. organised at,

1816  F 26; meeting-place of members of
The Forum, N 28; plan for savings hank
adopted at meeting al, N 2g; dinner
given at, in honour of Vice-Pres. Torapkins,

1817  Mr 31; taken by Cheater Jenings,
described, Je 7; wood-cut view of, Je 7,
3: 68g; Henry Fearon on, Ag g; one ot
the important hotels, O; the largeal hold
In the dty, iSiB; view of, engraved by
Balch, Rawdon & Co., 1B18; meeting at,
askscong. to take meaaurea for improveraent
of Indiana, iBig Ja 11; hall held at, in
honour of Gen. Jackson, F 22; resolutions
at a meeting at, urging cong. lo prohibit
slavery, N i6; meeting at, approves plan
for founding colony in Africa for liberated
slaves, N 22; dinner at. to celebrate 200lh
anniversary of landing ot Pilgrims, 1820
D 22; public dinner at, in honour of
Baron Hyde de Neuville, 1822 Jl 16; meet¬
ing of Soc. for Prevention ot Pauperisra at,
1823 D ig; public meeting at, 10 pralest
against tanff bill, 1S24 Mr 4; dinner at,
in honour ot Jas. Fenimore Cooper, Jl 2g;
Lafayelte at, Ag 16; dinner at, to cele¬
brate vidory of Bolivar, 1823 Mr 21;
Pres. Adams at. O 20; described by Lieut.
De Roos, 1S26; Am. Seaman's Friend Soc
organised at, Ja 13; friends of Italian opera
meet at. Mr 31; public meeting at. in
favour of aiding Thos. Jefferson, My 1;
public meeting at, to aid Greeks, 1827 Ja 6;
extensive alterations al, Jl 20; described,
1B28; bought by J. j. Astor, My 1; dis¬
tinguished   persons   stopping   at,   Jl   30:

shown in 1830 on water-colour by Hill
{A. PL 19-a), 3; 876; public raeeting at,
resolves to found House ot Industry. 1830
My 7; view of. in Bourne Viewa, N 11, 3:
393; shown in 1831 on Pl. 10 of Peabody
Viewa, 602; view ot, in Val. Man., 1831;
dinner at, to Daniel Webster, Mr 24; din¬
ner at, to Hon. Trlstrara Burges, Mr 30;
dinner at, in honour ot Gulian C. Ver¬
planck, My 28; public reception and din¬
ner at, to Washington Irving, 1832 My 30;
view ot Irving dinner al. My 30, 3; 902;
partly deatroyed by fire, 1833 Ap 23;
repaira being made at, and atorey added.
My 13; repaira completed, Jl 16; St.
Nicholaa Soc. eelehratea anniversary al,
1836 D 7; booksellera' dinner at, 1837 Mr
30; "Jubilee of the Constitution" al, 1839
Ap 30; view of, in 1839-4' (Pl- 123), 3:
6SS-89; one of the prindpal hotels, 1B47;
to be lorn down and stores erected on aile,
1849 Ap 27; five-storey building with
stores erected on aite ot, by Wra. B. Astor,
1850; Hone says, replaced by atores. My
30; stores on site ot, 1851 Jl 24. See also
L. M. R. K., 3: 977
City Hotel, 429 Broadway, dates trom thia

City 'Tavern (Stadt Herbergh), 71-73 Pear!
"'       *  -'              ™    -b (1642?), 1: 139;

Philip Gertitsen tor six years, 1643 F I
later leased lo Adriaen Gertitsen. F 17;
shown e. 1650 on PI. 4-a. i: 139; shown In
1630-53 on Prototype View. 127; leased
to Abram de la Noy. 1652 Ja 24, 1661 Mr
TI; burgomastera and schepens to meel al,
lo be called stadt huys or city liall {ff. v.,
under Public Buildings), 1653 F6. Seealso
L. M. R. K.. 3: 973
City Tavetn, 115 Btoadway. Cape's Tavern
(ff. v.), taken by Joseph Corre, becomes,
1786 Mr 9; Edward Bardin later proprie¬
tor of. Mr 9. 1789; Albany stagea atart
from, 1786 Ap 10; Fourth of July cele¬
brated at. 1787 J! 4; John Brenon and
wlte give performance al. Jl 18; Evacua¬
tion Day celebrated al, 1788 N 25; one
of the important taverns, 1789; Indepen¬
dence Day celebrated at, Jl 4; performance
given by Mrs. Gardner at, N 17; Oneida
Indians entertained at, 1790 F 13; 'Tam¬
raany Soc. wigwam at, F 13, My 12;
Chamber of Commerce gives entertain¬
ment at, lo Alex. Hamilton, 1791 Jl 20;
company ot French rope dancers nl, Ag 19;
dinner given at, lo Chief-Justice Jay, 1792
J! ig; proposed sale of, by ptivate con¬
tract announced, N 7; offered for aale,
1793 Ja 24; later hiatory of, Ja 24; Inde¬
pendence Day to be celebrated al, Je 2;
raaterials of, offered for aale, to be demol-

Clapp's (John), in the Bowery. See Rebecca's

Clareraonl Inn, on Riveraide Drive, nearly
opp. 125th St., 3; 977; eariy history ot
site, 977; builtin 1800 hy Dr. Post (i: 394)
or e. 1804 by Michael Hogan (3: 977);
oil painting ot, by tramp artist, 1833. 3:
903; viewof. in Val. .Wan., i860; roadside
resort, 1861 Jl; first annual automobile
parade goes lo, 1899 N 4. See olso L. M.
R. K.. 3:  g77

Clarendon Hotel, s. e. cor. Fourth Ave. and
i8th St., Thackeray at, 1852 N 16; dosed,
i8g8 O 14

Clinlon Hotel, in Clinton Hall (q.v., under
Theatres, Halls, etc.) building at s. w. cor.
Nassau and Beekman Sls„ 1830 N 2,

Coach and Horses, Broadway, tavern of
T.Welch, 1733 N 26

Cocoa-Nut Tree, The, Wall and Water Sts.,
Rich. Baker proprietor of, 1737 Jl 18;
De Joncourt proprietor of, 1751 N 11

Coffee House, The, Early reference to, 1702
Ja 27; Nicholas Bayard and son attend
meeting al the (on Dec. 30, 1701), ja 27;
committees of the leg. raeet at (on Oct. 5
and II, 1705), Ja 27; location ot the,
appears to have heen on north aide ot the
dock (Pearl St.) and may have stood nexl
lo custom-house (see Hunt's tavern), Ja
27; condition ot the paveraenl near, 1706
F 16; conference of coundl and represen¬
tatives at, 1708 O 9; a meeting-place of
legislative coramitteea, O 21, 1709 Je 8

Coffee Houae, The.    See Exchange Coffee
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