Rawlinson, H. G. Intercourse between India and the western world from the earliest times to the fall of Rome

(Cambridge :  University Press,  1916.)



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beryl    {^^pvWos    from    vaidHrya)

lOI,   I20

Besatae   123
Besnagar   162
Besynga (or Bassein)   133
Bhagavad Gitd   178

Bharata, Ndtya Sdstra   169

Bharukaccha  5

Bhavabhiiti   170

Bhil races, the  22

Bhotan   27, 65

Bhoja,  Narapati,   Yuktikalpataru

Bhrighu-Kaccha  116
Bhiimaka  87,  118
Bidpai {or Pilpay)   179
Bindusara  39
Birdwood, Sir G.   126
Bisadae {Besatae)   147
blackwood   114
Bloch, Ann. Report, Arch. Surv.

Ind.   169
Boghazkoi,   3
Boian Pass, the  83
Bolor Mts.   115
Bombay  6,119;   Prince of Wales

Museum  6
Bombay Gazetteer   162
bos Lucas   13
Brachmanae   142
Brahma   141
Brahmana (caste)   50 ff.
Brahmins  50 ff., 60 ff.,  141,  147,

157,  160
Brahminism   79
Brdhmi'Script, the   14
Brindisium   29

Broach   14,  116, 117,  119,  120
Buddha {see also Gautama)   11,

32, 157, T65
Buddha's tooth  149
Buddhism   23, 39, 58, 62, 78, 108,

138,  153,  157,  162,  168,  175
Buddhism, Hinayana   168
Buddhist architecture  28
Buddhist art   167
Buddhist ascetics   59
Buddhist Canon, the  60
Buddhist caves  85
Buddhist monasteries   143, 165
Buddhists   141 ff., 179
Biihler, J. G., Origin of the Brahma

Alphabet 4;  Indian Studies 15
Bukephala (Jihlam)   34
Bunbury, Hist. Anc. Geog.  17, 69,

92, 94,  128

Bundelkhand   81

Burgess, J.   164;   Elephanta   146

Burnet,   Early   Greek   Philosophy

Byzantium (? Vizadrog)   119

Cadiz   98

Caldwell, R. 122; Dravidian
Grammar   14

Caligula  153

Camboja, Cape   132, 133

Cana   no

Canary Isles  99

Caracalla  153

Carinus   154

Carus   154

Caspian Gates, the   t, 9

Caspian Sea   i, 9

Catholic ceremonies   178

Celts   159

Ceylon 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 72, 93, 104,
106, 109, III, 147 ff.

Ceylon in the Classics   152

Chaldaea  7

Chaldaeans  6

Chalukyas   167

Champa  5, 132

Chanakya  37, 38, 54

Chandala {or Pariah)  58

Chdndogya Upanishad  156

Chandragupta (= Sandrakottus,
q.v.) 37 ff., 49 ff., 67, 80, 91,

Charaka   172

Charax   115

Chares, of Mitylene   100

Charibael {Kariba-Il)   113

Charition   139

Chastana   117

Chaucer, Kmght's Tale 69; Par¬
doner's Telle   180

China   8, 9,  loi,  131, 148 ff.

Chinese  66, 115, 116

Chitor  80

Chola Mandalam or Chola-coast
(= Coromandel)   122

Choromandae  66

Christianity   138, 175, 176

Chronicles II   10, 13

cinnamon   14, 30, 122, 125

Civil Service   55, 56

Claudius (41-54  a.d.)    106,   109,

ii3> 153
Claudius (268-270 A.D.)   154
Clement   138,  141, 142, 174
Cleopatra  97, 100

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