Alumni catalogue 1836-1947.

(New York :  [s. n.],  1948.)



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A list of all students previously graduated from the Seminary was included in the Annual
Catalogues from 1841-42 to 1848-49. As the number of names increased a series of Triennial
Catalogues appeared in 1850, 1853, 1856, 1859 and 1865, containing lists of officers and mem¬
bers of the Board of Directors and of the Faculty and teaching staff, and members of each
graduating class from the beginning. Brief biographical records of each alumnus were first
given in the Triennial Catalogue of 1865, which was followed by a General Catalogue in 1876,
both compiled by the Rev. Edwin Francis Hatfield, D.D., for many years stated clerk of the
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, who was Recorder of the Board of Directors
of the Seminary from 1864 to 1874. The same plan was followed in later editions of the cata¬
logue, which appeared in 1886, 1898, 1908, 1918 and 1926. Records of all members of the
Faculty and teaching staff were included for the first time in the edition of 1918. All five
editions from 1886 to 1926 were compiled by the Rev. Charles R. Gillett, D.D., L.H.D.,
Alumni Secretary, who helped also in the preparation of the Centennial Edition, published
in 1937.


The Alumni Catalogue contains brief records of all former students of the Seminary who
completed at least one full year of study, whether graduated or not. Alumni are listed under
the year of graduation of the class with which they were associated; if as students they were
graduates in theology they are listed under the year in which they received a degree or com¬
pleted a year of study.

Under each year the names are arranged in two alphabetical lists. The first contains the
names of those graduated with diploma or certificate or a degree conferred by the Seminary,
or who completed a full course of study for three years. The second list includes those who
completed at least one year of study but did not receive a Seminary degree. In the second
list are to be found the names of those who were granted the degree of M.A. by Columbia
University upon recommendation of the Faculty of the Seminary, and also of those who worked
for the degrees of Ph.D. and Ed.D. under the agreement between the University and the

Beginning with the first graduating class in 1930, alumni of the School of Sacred Music
are also arranged in two lists, the first containing the names of those who graduated with the
degrees of M.S.M.andS.M.D., thesecondlist including the records of those who received certifi¬
cates and of others who completed at least one year of study but not a full course for two years.

Individual records of alumni include the name in full, college graduation with date and
name of college, later graduate study and seminary training with dates of residence and
degrees, date of ordination with name of denomination and of the ordaining body, pastoral
charges and other positions held after graduation with dates, place and date of death. Hon¬
orary degrees, with name of the institution which conferred them, and dates, are also listed.

A single date after the name of a college indicates the year of graduation with the degree
of B.A., which is to be understood unless another degree is mentioned. Other degrees are
named, but the degree of B.A. is not listed except in the records of alumni of the School of
Sacred Music, and elsewhere when there seemed to be a special reason for naming it. Entries

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