Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page xl  

xl                                   PREFA CE.

from Multan ; Book of Jivasarman ; Book of SamcLya;
Book of Auliatta (?), the son of Sahawi (?) ; The Minor
Mdnctsa, by Puncala; SrHdhava (Sarvadhara ?), by
Mahadeva Oandrabija; Calendar from Kashmir.

As regards some of these authors, Sripala, Jivasar¬
man, Samaya (?), and Auliatta (?), the nature of the
quotations leaves it uncertain whether Alberuni quoted
from books of theirs or from oral communications which
he had received from them.

Source on medicine : Ccortkcc, in the Arabic edition of
'All Ibn Zain, from Tabaristan.

In the chapter on metrics, a lexicographic work by
one Haribhata (?), and regarding elephants a " Book
on the Medicine of Elephants," are quoted.

His communications from the Mahdhhdrata and
Bdmdyana, and the way in which he speaks of them,
do not give us the impression that he had these books
before him. He had some information of Jaina origin,
but does not mention his source (Aryabhata, jun. ?)
Once he quotes Manu's Dharmasdstra, but in a manner
which makes me doubt whether he took the words
directly from the book itself.^

The quotations which he has made from these sources
are, some of them, very extensive, e.g. those from the
Bhagavadgitd. In the chapter on literature he men¬
tions many more books than those here enumerated,
but does not tell us whether he made use of them for
the 'IvSlko. Sometimes he mentions Hindu individuals
as his informants, e.g. those from Somanath, i. i6i, 165,
and from Kanoj, i. 165 ; ii. 129.

In Chapter i. the author speaks at large of the radical
difference between Muslims and Hindus in everything,
and tries to account for it both by the history of India
and by the peculiarities of the national character of its
inhabitants (i.   17 seq.).    Everything in India is just

1 The places where mention of these books occurs are given in
Index I.    Cf. also the annotations on single cases.
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