Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 39  

CHAPTER III.                              39

The Manicheeans stand in a near relationship to the Note on

^.    .     .                                                                              ...                 .      the Mani-

Christians. Maul expresses himself m a similar way m chajans.
the book called Kconz-aVihyd (Thesaurus Vivifieationis):
" The resplendent hosts will be called young women and
virgins, fathers and mothers, sons, brothers, and sisters,
because such is the custom in the books of the prophets.
In the country of joy there is neither male nor female,
nor are there organs of generation. All are invested
with living bodies. Since they have divine bodies, they
do not differ from each other in weakness and force, in
length and shortness, in figure and looks ; they are like
similar lamps, which are lighted by the same lamp, and
which are nourished by the same material. The cause
of this kind of name-giving arises, in the last instance,
from the rivalry of the two realms in mixing up with
each other. When the low dark realm rose from the
abyss of chaos, and was seen by the high resplendent
realm as consisting of pairs of male and female beings,
the latter gave similar outward forms to its own chil¬
dren, who started to fight that other world, so that it
placed in the fight one kind of beings opposite the
same kind of the other world."

The educated among the Hindus abhor anthropo¬
morphisms of this kind, but the crowd and the mem¬
bers of the single sects use them most extensively.
They go even beyond all we have hitherto mentioned,
so as to speak of wife, son, daughter, of the rendering
pregnant and other physical processes, all in connection
with God. They are even so little pious, that, when
speaking of these things, they do not even abstain from
silly and unbecoming language. However, nobody
minds these classes and their theories, though they be
numerous.    The main and most essential point of the Notions of

^                            the edu-

Hindu world of thought is that which the Brahmans catcdHin-

°                            .                .                            dus.    All

think and believe, for they are specially trained for pre- created

.    .         ,.         ...              .      -,,...     beings are

serving and maintaining their religion.    And this it is a unity.
which we shall explain, viz. the belief of the Brahmans.
  Page 39