1. Sabhd-parva, i.e. the king's dwelling.
2. Aranya, i.e. going out into the open field, meaning the
exodus of the children of Pandu.
3. Virdta, i.e. the name of a king in whose realm thej'" dwelt
during the time of their concealment.
4. Udyoga, i.e. the preparing for battle.
5. BMshma.
6. Drona the Brahmin.
7. Karna the son of the Sun.
8. S'alya the brother of Duryodhana, some of the greatest heroes
who did the fighting, one always coming forward after
his predecessor had been killed.
9. Gadd, i.e. the club.
10. Sauptika, i.e. the killing of the sleepers, when Asvatthaman
the son of Drona attacked the city of Paiicala during
the night and killed the inhabitants.
11. Jalapraddnika, i.e. the successive drawing of water for the
dead, after people have washed off the impurity caused
by the touching of the dead.
12. Stri, i.e. the lamentations of the women.
13. S'dnti, containing 24,000 Slokas on eradicating hatred from
the heart, in four parts :
(i.) lidjadharma, on the reward of the kings.
(2.) Bdnadharma, on the reward for almsgiving.
(3.) Apaddharma, on the reward of those who are in need and
(4.) Mokshadharma, on the reward of him who is liberated
from the world.
14. Aivamedha, i.e. the sacrifice of the horse which is sent out
together with an army to wander through the world.
Then they proclaim in public that it belongs to the king
of the world, and that he who does not agree thereto is to
come forward to fight. The Brahmans follow the horse,
and celebrate sacrifices to the fire in those places where
the horse drops its dung.
15. Mausala, i.e. the fighting of the Y^davas, the tribe of Vasu¬
deva, among themselves.
16. Asramavdsa, i.e. leaving one's own country.
17. Prasthdna, i.e. quitting the realm to seek liberation.
18. Svargdrohana, i.e. journeying towards Paradise.
These eighteen parts are followed by another one
which is called Harivamsa-Parvan, which contains the
traditions relating to Vasudeva,
In this book there occur passages which, like riddles,
admit of manifold interpretations. As to the reason of Page 65.