Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 141  

CHAPTER XIII.                             141

In   a   lexicographical   work   to   which   the   author Onthear-

^^                                                                                                                       rangement

J   V (? Haribhatta) has given his own name, the feet Quotation'

-^-V                                                                                                                    from Hari-

composed of three Iccghu or guru are called by single i^hatta.
consonants, which in the following diagram are written
on their left:—


m    <   <   <    sixfold {i.e. containing six mdtrd).

y     I    <   <    hastin.

r    <    I   <    kdma.

t    <   <    \     {1 lacuna).

s      I    1    <    jvalana.

j      I   <    I     madhya.

hh  <    \    I     parvata.

n     \    \     \      threefold {i.e. containing three mdtrd).

By means of these signs the author teaches how to
construct these eight feet by an inductive method (a
kind of algebraic permutation), saying :

"Place one of the two kinds (guru and laghu) in
the first line unmixed (that would be <<<, if we Page68.
begin with a guru). Then mix it with the second
kind, and place one of this at the beginning of the
second line, whilst the two other elements are of the
first kind (| < <). P'hen place this element of admix¬
ture in the middle of the third line ( < | < ), and lastly
at the end of the fourth line (< <|). Then you have
finished the first half,

"Further, place the second kind in the lowest line,
unmixed (| | |), and mix up with the line above it one
of the first kind, placing it at the beginning of the line
(< I 1), then in the middle of the next following line
(I < I), aud lastly at the end of the next following line
(I I <). Then the second half is finished, and all the
possible combinations of three mdtra have been ex¬

< < <

I < <

\  First half.           ^'   ' 1 !     i

3-  <   I   <                                     7- <   M     I

}                       i        8.   I    I  I    i

5. , I < ,

Second half.
4.   <  <   I      ^                     \       8.   1    I  I

This system of composition or permutation is correct.
  Page 141