Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 162  

162                               ALBERUNPS INDIA.

in comparing the two mithkdls; that what he called
mithkdls is in reality  the tola, and that he calls the
mdsha by a diff'erent name, viz, ruvu.
Varahami-        If the Hindus wish to be particularly painstakinar in

hira on            ,            . .                         .         ,       „

weights. these things, they give the following scale, based on the
measurements which Varahamihira prescribes for the
construction of idols:—

I renu or particle of dust = i raja.

8 raja                                    = i hdldgra, i.e. the end of a hair.

8 bdldgra                              = i likhyd, i.e. the egg of a louse.

8 likhyd                                = i y€tkd, i.e. a louse.

8 yUkd                                   = I yava, i.e. a barley-corn.

Hence, Varahamihira goes on to enumerate the measures
for distances. His measures of weight are the same as
those which we have already mentioned.    He says :

4 yava         = i andt.

4 andt         = i mdsha.

i6 mdsha      = i suvarna, i.e. gold.

4 suvarna   = i pala.

The measures of dry substances are the following :—

4 pala         =  I kudava.

4 kudava    =  i prastha.

4 prastha   = i ddhaka.

The measures of liquid substances are the following:—

5 pala         = I kudava.
8 kudava    = i prastha.
4 prastha    = I adhaka.
4 ddhaka    — i drona.

Weights           The following weights occur in the book Caraka.    I

according to      ,                                                              i        a      i •                i     •

the book mye them here according; to the Arabic translation, as
I have not received them from the Hindus vivd voce.
The Arabic copy seems to be corrupt, like all other
books of this kind which I know. Such corruption
must of necessity occur in our Arabic writing, more
particularly at a period like ours, when people care

  Page 162