Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 256  

256                        ALBERUNPS INDIA.

ference 25,000 yojana. In the west lies the mountain
Manasa, shining like the full moon; its height is
35,000 yojana. This mountain has a son who protects
his father against the west. In the east of this Dvipa
are two kingdoms where every inhabitant lives 10,000
years. The water bubbles up for them out of the
earth, and drops down from the mountains. They
have no rain and no flowing river; they know neither
summer nor winter. They are of one kind, without
any distinction of caste. They never suffer from
dearth, and do not get old. Everything they wish for
comes to them, whilst they live quiet and happy with¬
out knowing anything else but virtue. It is as if they
were in the suburb of paradise. All bliss is given to
them; they live long and are without ambition. So
there is no service, no rule, no sin, no envy, no oppo¬
sition, no debating, no toiling in agriculture and dili¬
gence in trading.

According to the Vishnu-Purdna, Pushkara-Dvipa is
so called from a large tree, which is also called nya-
groclha. Under this tree is Brahma-rUpct, i.e. the figure
of Brahman, worshipped by the Deva and Danava.
The inhabitants are equal among each other, not claim¬
ing any superiority, whether they be human beings or
beings associating with the Devas. In this Dvipa
there is only a single mountain, called Mdnasottama,
which rises in a round form on the round Dvipa. From
its top all the other Dvipas are visible, for its height
is 50,000 yojanoj, and the breadth the same.
  Page 256