Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 308  

3o8                        ALBERUNPS INDIA.

southward or walk southward.    The south occurs only
in connection with impious actions.
The first          The line on which the astronomical calculations are

meridian.       -,           -,   ,           o      o   ^          --ini-i                        •                       -i

based (as o   of longitude), which passes m a straight
line from Lahka to Meru, passes—

(i.) Through the city of Ujain (Ujjayini) in Malava

(2.) Through the neighbourhood of the fortress Rohi-
taka in the district of Multan, which is now deserted.

(3.) Through Kurukshetra, i.e. the plain of Taneshar
(Sthanesvara), in the centre of their country.

(4.) Through the river Yamuna, on which the city of
Mathura is situated.

(5.) Through the mountains of the Himavant, which
are covered with everlasting snow, and where the
rivers of their country rise. Behind them lies Mount
Thesitua- The city of Ujain, which in the tables of the longi-
ujaim tudes of placcs is mentioned as JJzain, and as situated
on the sea, is in reality 100 yojana distant from the sea.
Some undiscriminating Muslim astronomer has uttered
the opinion that Ujain lies on the meridian of Al-
shabiirkan in Al-jiizaj^n; but such is not the case, for
it lies by many degrees of the equator more to the east
than Al-shabiirkan. There is some confusion about the
longitude of Ujain, particularly among such (Muslim)
astronomers as mix up with each other the different
opinions about the first degree of longitude both in east
and west, and are unable to distinguish them properly.

No sailor who has traversed the ocean round the
Theauthor's placc which is ascribcd to Lahka, and has travelled in
aboiitLahka that direction, has ever given such an account of it as
Mhis.'*"^'^   tallies with the traditions of the Hindus or resembles
them.    In fact, there is no tradition which makes the
thing appear to us more possible (than it is according
to the reports of the Hindus).    The name Lahka, how¬
ever, makes me think of something entirely different.
  Page 308