Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 350  

350                        ALBERUNPS INDIA.

volutions of sun and moon in a kalpa, a lunar month
= 29|f|-f||-nychthemera. You find this number by
dividing the sum of the days of the kalpa by the
number of its lunar months. The number of the lunar
months of a kalpa represents the difference between the
revolutions of sun and moon in it, viz. 53,433,300,000.

A month has 30 lunar days, for this number is
canonical, as the number of 360 is canonical for the
number of days of a year. The solar month has 30
solar days and 30j'f|^-g-;f-g-^ civil days.

The month of the fathers is equal to 30 of our months,
and has 885i-f-f;fi^ civil days.

The month of the angels is equal to 30 years, and has
io,957lii civil days.

The month of Brahman is equal to 60 kalpas, and
has 94,674,987,000,000 civil days.

The month of Burusha is equal to 2,160,000 kalpas,
and has 3,408,299,532,000,000,000 civil days.

The month of Kha has
9,497,498,700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 civil days.
Various           By multiplying each of these months by twelve, we

years! °       get the number of days of the corresponding year.

The luna,r year has 354TT¥,Tinr civil days.

The solar year has 3653W0 civil days.

The year of the fathers has 360 lunar months, or
io,63IttV!ttt civil days.

The year of the angels has 360 of our years, or
I3i>493w civil days.

The year of Brahman has 720 kalpas, or
1,136,099,844,000,000 civil days.

The year of Purusha has 25,920,000 kalpas, or
40,899,594,384,000,000,000 civil days.

The year of Kha has
I I3,6o9,984,4co,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooocivildays.

The   latter   number is  mentioned   by  the  Hindus,

although it is written in their books that there is no

Pumthl."*   combination of numbers beyond the dcty of Purusha, for
  Page 350