Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 362  

362                        ALBERUNPS INDIA.

last  for   ever, even when the preceding  five   beings

We have already mentioned that the life of Brahman
is as long as 72,000 kalpas. All numbers which we
shall here mention are kalpas.

If the life of Brahman is a day of Kesava, his year,
consisting of three hundred and sixty days, has
25,920,000 kctlpas, and his life, 2,592,000,000 kalpas.
The latter is i day of Mahadeva; his life, therefore,
93,312,000,000,000 kalpas. The latter is i day of tsvara;
therefore his life 3,359,232,000,000,000,000 kctlpas.
The latter is i day of Sadasiva; therefore his life
120,932,352,000,000,000,000,000 kctlpas. The latter is
one day of Virancana, of which the pardrdhakalpa is
only relatively a very small part (v. p. 175).
The same         Whatever maybe the nature of these calculations,

by trutis. apparently the day and the centennium are the elements
out of which the whole from beginning to end has
been constructed. Others, however, build their system
on the small particles of the day which we have pre¬
viously mentioned (in chap, xxxiv.). In consequence,
these people differ among themselves regarding that
which they compose, as they differ regarding the par¬
ticles out of which they compose. We shall here give
one system of this kind as invented by those who use
the following metrologic system :—

I (jliati =16 kald.
I kald = 30 kdshthd.
I kdshthd = 30 niraesha.
I nimesha = 2 lava.
I lava — 2 truti.

The reason of this division is, as they maintain, the
fact that the day of Siva is composed out of similar
particles; for the life of Brahman is one ghati of Hari,
i.e. Vasudeva. The life of the latter is 100 years, or
one kald of Eudra, i.e. Mahadeva ; the life of the latter
is 100 years, or one kdshthd of isvara; the life of the
  Page 362