Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 373  

CHAPTER XLIL                            373

with a samdhi and a samdhydriisa, each of 300 years, a
tretdyuga has 3600 years.

"Two thousand years are a dvdpara, but together
with a sctmdhi and a samdhydmsa, each of 200 years,
a dvdpara has 2400 years,

"A thousand years are one kali, but together with a
sctmdhi and a sariidhydmsa, each of 100 years, a kali¬
yuga has 1200 years."

This is what Brahmagupta quotes from the book

" Divya years are changed into human years by being Duration of

T-TT1              ^               A                T11P                                 1                ^^^ single

multiplied by 360.    Accordingly the tour yitgas have yugas.
the following sums of human years :—

A kritayuga has    1,440,000 years,

besides           144,000     ,,        sarhdhi,

and                  144,000     .,         sarhdhydrfisa.

Sum total       1,728,000 years = one kritayuga.

K tretdyuga hSiS     i ,080,000 years,

besides           108,000     ,,        sarfidhi,

and                  108,000     ,,         sarhdJiydmsa.                          Page 188.

Sum total       1,296,000 years = one tretdyuga.

A dvdpara has          720,000 years,

besides             72,000     ,,        sarhdhi,

and                   72,000     ,,        sarlidliydrhsa.

Sum total          864,000 years = one dvdpara.

A kali has                  360,000 years,

besides             36,000     ,,        sarhdhi,

and                    36,000     ,,        sanidhydmsa.

Sum total           432,000 years = one kaliyuga.

"The sum of the krita and tretd is 3,024,000 years,
and the sum of the krita, tretd, and dvdparct is
3,888,000 years."

Further, Brahmagupta  says that "Aryabhata con-Aryabhata

. T            , -1       (.                                        ^        c                          ^                        i>                            ^"^ Paulisa

siders the tour yugas as the four equal parts of a catur- quoted by
yuga.    Thus he differs from the doctrine of the book gupta.'
Smriti, just mentioned, and he who differs from us is an
  Page 373