Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 93  

CHAPTER LVII.                              93

the son of the water), had observed all these proceed¬
ings of the Vindhya, he offered to be his companion in
his aspirations, and asked him to remain in his place
until he (Agastya) should return and should have freed
him (Vindhya) from the darkness which was on him.

V. I.—Then Agastya turned towards the ocean, de¬
vouring its water, so that it disappeared. There appeared
the lower parts of the mountain Vindhya, whilst the
makara and the water animals were clinging to it.
They scratched the mountain till they pierced it and dug
mines in it, in which there remained gems and pearls.

V. 2.—The ocean became adorned by them, further
by trees which grew up, though it (the water) was
feeble, and by serpents rushing to and fro in windings
on its surface.

V. 3.—^The mountain has, in exchange for the wrong
done to it by Suhail, received the ornament which it
has acquired, whence the angels got tiaras and crowns
made for themselves.

V. 4.—Likewise the ocean has, in exchange for the
sinking down of its water into the depth, received the
sparkling of the fishes when they move about in it, the
appearance of jewels at its bottom, and the rushing to
and fro of the serpents and snakes in the remainder of
its water. When the fishes rise over it, and the conch-
shells and pearl-oysters, you would take the ocean for
ponds, the surface of their water being covered with the
white lotus in the season of sarctd and the season of

V. 5.—You could scarcely distinguish between this
water and heaven, because the ocean is adorned with
jewels as the heaven is adorned with stars ; with many-
headed serpents, resembling threads of rays which come
from the sun; with crystal in it, resembling the body
of the moon, and with a white mist, above which rise
the clouds of heaven.

V. 6.—How should I not praise him who did this
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