Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 98  

98                          ALBERUNTS INDIA.

bow shows its round form coloured with something like
the red of evening twilight, and with colours like those
of the garments of a bride; if the thunder roars like
the screaming peacock, or the bird which cannot drink
water except from falling rain, which then screams for
joy, as the frogs enjoy the full water-places, so as to
croak vehemently; if you see the sky raging like the
raging of elephants and buffaloes in the thicket, in the
various parts of which the fire is blazing; if the clouds
move like the limbs of the elephants, if they shine like
the shining of pearls, conch-shells, snow, and even as
the moonbeams, as though the moon had lent the clouds
her lustre and splendour ;

V. 20.—All this indicates much rain and blessing by
a rich growth.

V. 25.—At the time when the Brahman sits amidst
the water-jugs, the falling of stars, the flashing of the
lightning, thunderbolts, red glow in the sky, tornado,
earthquake, the falling of hail, and the screaming of
the wild animals, all these things are considered as

V. 26.—If the water decreases in a jug on the north
side, either by itself, or by a hole, or by dripping away,
there will be no rain in the month Sravana. If it de¬
creases in a jug on the east side, there will be no rain
in Bhadrapada. If it decreases in a jug on the south
side, there will be no rain in Asvayuja; and if it de¬
creases in a jug on the west side, there will be no rain
in Karttika. If there is no decrease of water in the
jugs, the summer rain will be perfect.

V. 27.—From the jugs they also derive prognostics
as to the different castes. The northern jug refers to
the Brahman, the eastern to the Kshatriya, the southern
to the Vaisya, and the western to the Sudra. If the
names of people and certain circumstances are inscribed
upon the jugs, all that happens to them if, e.g. they
break or the water in them decreases, is considered as
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