Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 208  



The author's
books on the

About the
yogas being

from Bhat-
tila (?) on '

The correct time, which has been found, is marked
in three different places. From the first number he
subtracts the minutes of the falling, and to the last
number he adds them. Then the first number is the
time of the beginning of vyatipdta or vaidhrita, which¬
ever of the two you want to compute. The second
number is the time of its middle, and the third number
the time of its end.

We have given a detailed account of the bases on
which these methods rest in a special book of ours,
called Khctydl-alkuslXfaini (i.e. the image of the two
eclipses), and have given an accurate description of
them in the canon which we have composed for Sydvct-
bala (?), the Kashmirian, and to which we have given
the title The Arctbic Khanclctkhddyctka.

Bhattila (?) thinks the whole day of either of these
two yogcts to be unlucky, whilst Varahamihira thinks
only that duration of them to be unlucky which is found
by the computation. He compares the unlucky por¬
tion of the day to the wound of a gazelle shot with a
poisoned arrow. The disease does not go beyond the
environs of the poisoned shot; if it is cut out, the injury
is removed.

According to what Pulisa mentions of Parasara, the
Hindus assume a number of vycttipdtcts in the lunar
stations, but all of them are computed by the same
method which he has given. For the calculation does
not increase in its kind; only the single specimens of it
become more numerous.

The Brahman Bhattila (?) says in his canon :—

" Here there are 8 times, which have certain gauge-
measures. If the sum of the corrected places of sun and
moon is equal to them, they are unlucky.    They are:

" I. Bctk-shutct (?). Its gauge-measure is 4 zodiacal

" 2. Ganddntct. Its gauge-measure is 4 signs and
13I degrees.
  Page 208