Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 347  

ANNOTATIONS.                               347

nunciation of sh as kh, cf. Hornle, /. c. § 19, and on the
further change of kh to h, ibid. § 19. Examples of the
former change are numerous in the Indica; of examples

of the latter, cf. Afj^ mitnha — nuikhct, ij'^^j^. babrethdn =
vaprakhdna (?), and also ,c,IaT dhdri, cf. dshctdJict, \X>.^
kihkind = kishkindhct. In Prakrit mitham —mukha (Vara¬
ruci, ii. 27.

P. 361. Srudhavct by Utpalct.— Vitle note to p. 157.

P. 362. I gliati= \6 kalel,—Gf. with these measures of
time the statements on pp. 336, 337.

P. 364. Chapter XL.—\t has also been translated by
Reinaud, Fragments Arabes et Persans, pp. 155-160.

P. 364. Samdhi udetyct and samdhi astamana.—One
would expect samelhyitdaya and samdhyctsta,manei, but there
is no trace of a y.    The forms have a vernacular character,

and must be explained according to the analogy of CUJ

duti = dyuti, and jJul antctzu = ctntyajet.

Hiranyakctsiqm.—The story of this king and his son
Prahlada is told by the Vishnu-Purdna, ii. 34 seq.

P. 366. Sctmdhi.—The way it is used in astrology is
shown by the table, ii. 219.

V. 366. l^uiijala.— Vide note to p. 157. The tradition
here given is very similar to that mentioned by Colebrooke,
"Essays," ii, 332, ZZZ-

P. 366,1. 35.—We find that the beginning of the Hindu
solar year 854 Sakakala takes place A.D, 932, March 22,
6 ghati 40' 15", which corresponds to March 22, 7 h, 40 m,
civil Greenwich time, whilst the real instant of the solstice
is March 15, 12 h. 15 m. civil Greenwich time, so that the
solstice precedes the calculation by 6 days and 19 hours,
which agrees very well with the 6° 50' which Punjala men¬
tions (Schram).
  Page 347