Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 353  

ANNOTATIONS.                               353

word scorvctrivdmsca (ed.  Bombay svorvarivdrhscct).    Gf.
note to p. 387.

4.  Metnvctntara: Jyoti (read Jyotis) Dhdmctn.—Mistake
for Jyotirelhdman.

Getitrogni, as the author has, is a mistake for Cctitrdgni.
Vetraket.—^d. Bombay, Va,metket; Wilson-Hall, Vanetket.

5.   Mctnvctntarec: Rurdhvetbdhu has risen through the
wrong division of the two words vedasrirurdhrcehdltxt.

Apetret has by mistake been taken for a proper noun in
the following words :—urdhvcthdhitstetthtlpareth.

Subdhu (Svabdhu?).'—^The Sanskrit text has svaelhetman.

6.   Manvantetra: Atinttman.—1-lie Arabic text has ati-

mdnu.    Or are we to read ^^-^-'^ instead of ^A--».J'' ?

Garshetyah ( = and the Rishis) by mistake derived from
the following passage :—saptdsctnnitir(ir>i/it/y/dt,.

9. Metnvetntara: Ilavyct, in the Sanskrit traditionBhavya.

'"     .                .    '* '
Perhaps we must read  ^__^^ instead of ,___^^

MeAliddhriti (Wilson-Hall), viedhdinriti (ed. Bombay).
Alberuni seems to have read Vcdhddltriti, if we are not
to read ci-'oUjkA.-* instead of ci^jUj^a.',

I o. Manvctntara: Satya (Wilson-Hall).—The Arabic has
something like Satlctyo.

Sukshetrct.—The Arabic has Sushcra instead of Satyctketu.
Perhaps the author has overlooked this word and copied
the following one, viz., Sukshetrct.

11.  Mctnvctntctrct: Niscetrct, in the Arabic viscarct.
Agnidhrct = Agniteja,s.    The Arabic has ctgnitru y.J^jS\,

which is perhaps to be changed to j^^-^-*-^^ (ctgnitejas).
Nctgha.—Wilson-Hall, Anagha.

12.   Manvctntctra: Sutetyct, in the Sanskrit text sutapdscet.
Perhaps the author has read sutctydscct.

Dyuti and Iscdnyas have by mistake been derived from
the following verse-—■


13.   Manvantctret: Tctlvadctrsicct, mistake for Tatvadar-
sin, for the Sanskrit text has tcitvadarsiect.

Vyaya, mistake for Avyayct. The author seems to have
read dhritimdn vyayascci instead of elliritirndnavyetyetscet,

14.  Manvantara: Agnibct instead of Agnibethuh.
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  Page 353