Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 366  

366                          ALBERUNTS INDIA.

no month, but only complete years; therefore we have
nothing to add to this number. It represents the par¬
tial solar months. We multiply it by 53ii and divide
the product by 172,800; the quotient 727,661,6331!-^
represents the adhimasa months. Omitting the frac¬
tions, we add 727,661,633 to the partial solar months
23,675,377,584, and get 24,403,039,217 as the partial
lunar months. By multiplying this number by 30 we
get days, viz., 732,091,176,510. As there are no days
in the normal date, we have no days to add to this
number. Multiplying it by 55,739 and dividing the pro¬
duct by 3,562,220, we get the partial unaratra days, viz.,
11,455,224,575i|-ff|f. This sum of days without the
fraction is subtracted from the partial lunar days, and the
remainder, 720,635,951,935, represents the number of the
civil days of our gauge-date. Dividing it by 7, we get as
remainder 4, which means that the last of these days is a
Wednesday. Therefore the Indian year commences with
a Thursday, The difference between 720,635,951,935
and the beginning of the kaliyuga 720,634,442,715 is,
as it ought to be, 1,509,220 days (Schrctm).

In the beginning of chap. Iii., in the Arabic text, r H. 8,
it seems necessary to write  j»i-^ and j^i-^^^ instead of   T^

and ^[.'"j].
i   ••

P,  29, 1.   10.  Thursdety.—The Arabic manuscript has


P. 30,1. 10-17.—This ought to run as follows :—We have
found above 727,661,633||-||- for the adhimasa months ;
the wholes represent the number of the adhimasas which
have elapsed, viz., 727,661,633, whilst the fraction is the
time which has already elapsed of the current adhimasa
month. By multiplying this fraction by 30 we get it
expressed in days, viz., 'Y^if days, or 28 days 51 minutes
30 seconds, so that the current adhimasa month wants only
I day 8 minutes 30 seconds more to become a complete
month (Schrctm).

P, 31, 1, 19.—^The number 1,203,783,270 is found by
adding the 30 x 1,196,525 or 35,895,750 adhimasa days to
the 1,167,887,520 solar days (Schram).
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