Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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396                          ALBERUNTS INDIA.

TavTys XveLV ov8' a7roStSpao-/cetF, k.t.X. to deovs elvat ypwv
TOVS eTTipeXovpevovs Kal yp.ds tovs dvdpwTvovs ev twv KTypdTWV
TOLS deoLS elva.L.

P. 174.—For the Vishnu-Purdna, vide note to i. 54.
The reading Duve is not certain, as the Arabic text has
only ^^i^-

The names Diliqxt, Dushyctnta, and Yayetti have been
verified by means of the index to Vishnit-Purelna.

P, 175, last line,—On the festival of the birth of Vasu¬
deva-Krishna (Krishnctjctnmdshtctmi), ef. Weber, " Indian
Antiquary," 1874, p, 21 ; 1877, p, 161 ; Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Morgenldndischen Gesellsclietft, vi, p, 92.

P. 176,1. II.—-The Arabic manuscript has .^"A.^i.e. dtctj.

For the word ettttitctjet, ef. H. H. Wilson, " Essays and
Lectures," ii. 232.

P. 176,1. 19. Devctsini.—The latter half of this word is
apparently a derivation from the root svciq^ = to sleep. In
Prakrit sleep = sivino (Sanskrit svctqrna).   Vide Vararuci,i. 3.

P. 177, 1. 20.—Deotthini, also called eieotthdn and
ditthwetn. Gf. H. H. Wilson, " Glossary of Technical
Terms," pp. 133, 134, 143, and "Memoirs on the History,
Folklore, and Distribution of the Races of the North¬
western Provinces of India," by H, Elliot, edited by J,
Beames, i. 245.

P. 177.—The here-mentioned bhishmct-panca-rdtri seems
to be identical with the bhishmei,-pa,ncadmrn mentioned by
Wilson, "Essays and Lectures," ii, 203.

P. 177.—The name Gaur-t-r, fjS, occurs also ii. 179,
and is apparently a vernacular form for getitri-tritiyd. Gf.
Wilson, /. /. p. 185.

P. 178.—With this calendar of festivals are to be com¬
pared the treatise of H. H. Wilson, "The Religious
Festivals of the Hindus," in his " Essays and Lectures," ii.
p. 151 seeq., and Garcin de Tassy, Notice sur les fUes popit-
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