(6-7) Praiogae^: Umrao's reflections on the causes of girls
not hereditarily destined for the life becoming
prostitutes. In her own case she blames her bad luck,,
(7) Account of Dilavar Kha.n (house mentioned on p*l) ■» how he
had been arrested and Uitirao's father had testified against
him* On his releai^e from jail, Dilavar Khan plots
revenge: he buys pigeons and captures one of Umrao*s
father's bird©*"' He asks for money for its return,
(7*S) Umrao is playing outside her house one evening, when
Dilavar Kl'ian aeks her to come and collect her father*s
pigeon. Once in his house he binds and gaga her, and
takes her off in a bullock^cart with his confederate Pir
(8-'9) Umrao* s terror and thoughts of home» The criminals laugh
and insult Umrao*6 fs,mily« Dilavar Khan says he* 11 kill
UmraOj then her father* Pir Bakhsh is more concerned for
his money^ and suggests selling her in Lucknow*
(9*"10) The^ halt for charcoal, Umrao screams^ and Dilavar Khan
is about to kill her^ when Pir Bakhsh stops him and telLj-
him about his wlfe*s brother^ Karim^ who will help them to
sell Umrao in Luaknow*
(10=~11) Tbe journey continues with occasional halts, Dilavar
Khan and Pir Bakhsh indulge in senseless arguments and
fights^ but soon become friends again*
(12) Prologue: Umrao says she will never forget her terro:
when captured* She curses Dilavar Kha,n5 who got the
fate he deserved, and is surej he 16 being tortured in
hella She has no desire to continue her wretched su
(12) Umrao tells hov she met her mother once again, and li'-.rv^.'
her brother has a son. She ivould love to eee them^ smd
it would be easy to get to Faizabad by train, but her
present status makes it impoBsible»
(12-13) In those days there were no trains, but at last they
reach Karim*B in-laws' house. Umrao is locked up, but at
least fed by Karim*s '<\fife and mother*in»law«
(l4) Umrao is joined for a day by another abducted girl^ Rruiidrtit
the'y talk together, and Umrao glimpeee her beauty*