Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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(121-2)        Next morning Umrao wakes up to learn she has visitors

from Lucknow*  As she guesses, they are none other than
Gauhar Mirza and Husaini, who have tracked her down at
last*  Umrao hurriedly breaks up her establishment in
Kanpur, and they are back in Lucknov; next day (verse)*


(l^'3-4)        Life during the Mutiny, v;hen Umrao is attached to an
officer called C^utb-uddin*  She has maintained her
connexion with the Court, and is invited to sing at Birjis
Qadr's investiture,

(124)                                 Interlude: Pusva asks her if she remembers more verses

of the poem she composed for the occasion, then tests
her memory of dates of the time.

(124)                          Umrao tells of the chaotic flight of the rebels to Bondi,

and her cubseouent flight to Faizabad,

(124-6)                             Interlude:  Husva asks about Bondi, then changes the

subject to the money given Umrao by F'^iz Ali,  She tells
him hov; she gave it to a neighbour, and was surprised to
find it safe on her ret.urn after the Mutiny,   It turns
out that Gauhar Mirza got his hands on it, since when he's
ceased to bother about Urrirao,  Rusva criticizes him, but
Umroo is philosophical '.ibout the money and the
faithlessness a courtesan must expect to encounter.  She
longs only to tear herself av/ay from Lucknow and go to
Kerbela again, to die.


(12'^~8)                      Briefly reciritulatinr; events at tiriC of flight to Bondi,

Umrao tells hov; she fled to Faiaabad, v/here she set up an
establishment, with some success.  She longs to see her
family, and also hankers after Lucknow, but can see no
irrnediate reason for returning there^ since she thinks her
money's prob'-bly lost, while Khanum may be dead,

(123)                          Umrao is visited one day by a meniber of the royal family

from v/hom she inquires about the royal tombs v;here her
father worked.  She is sorry to hear he is dead, but learns
her brother has taken his place,

(129-3C)        later iJmrao foes to sing at a v/edding party, being held out
of doors in vaguely fam.iliar surroundings.  After the
performance a woman asks her to come with her, and takes her
to a poor home, v;hich belongs to Umrao's mother - they spend
the night talking together.
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