Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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- aj-


(Notts - fh# -fsrg® iidj,0at#» that & n^m ^shipter b^gljis h.^^
fisd the tr8issl.&tio» aa,d ®^Bt @iitioB# mark thi% ^s«pt fo;r
th# Majlis^t fays-q^i-t Adab t@xt^ whioh ItiMpi it Ib with m«
foi^goiii^ Chapter Ij    this m^m^ tMt thi» t®^ i» 0m«
heii^g iB its mMbsriag ©f th« rmmB-imln^ ohaptari of Part I»)


jhl^dj^ afarsgi ki^ JoS"*« v@h|#t 'm s©h©h

hmk to s©^Jh# hpy^^ ssgsr msyh te s^m^haagg® ^a

jhtyda   f,                       htfiariiJif

avm3?»gi                            golB^ aetx^u 'bmoi^Mg ahaados@4 (im both seasa@l)

T»h|@t                              wildnsis

imsyh                                ^# *Mlrig©r\i fe stook figure of Urdaa po«tt^ ^©

fiv«,s soh«r oomiael® to Mie oi^isd lov@r *Rhos®
'madaeas* he i« inoapabl® ©f trndarstaaadiag,

Sti® T#rg# »©rf#s to intrt?dttet llsrfo*s #sbaiT'a8sa@iit *t hafijjg
to ®sj)laln how &hm oaat t© t^® -ap har lift,  and h®r fs&x* that
th@ 3?©&soa/S for it will aot b@ prc^«r3^ ^id^ritood*

«At                                    ©&at€t h0a©# J^^Sfe 'hsrtdit&i'^, hy o&st®*

^^2^1                                prc-stit«t#

^kr                                  nation

®.fe«M^^feJL&E '"* ^^ ^oxild oa# ®v#n bother
to a^stioB, tli^mf -*    (as distin©* f^m th« girls i?hQ
tak® to th© lil% l^ter)

Jo Jewoh ait ter^ij k&m h©y

'^whatrr^r t h^y do sot d^ is littl®*', i*@»,  'whatsfvei?
th@y ^ i© is too ^ach* « ^sn© ©«a only ©xp^ot th«
wor®# tmm th»* « th§y si^ capable of a^ything^

p®rrsr/f pan*                  to b® brou#t up
  page 13