avai; (ism g©ei'b©da ©dher ssndaqea *>5t n"j<, n '! '* ■^^ ^ bs.a""0 .«'■** s.i:i gynjia Ewrd;ra rw^set bona ytns dajiiQTi x®yr hoga bi'iola bhala bg-^'cxwsur ©sab S9Vab g&rdsn bytaia biifi l®wnqi(ya) g©t©B idyar| ffiunh kala .faona muion ki paljia mal '9»5S'> gi»ftsfu v/'f'sa "j.r's") iss " price to ;>„ii:c:.5 ieigSj ■•ilux.iet innocent hy Ci-'Od. worl.d ' In the next f t^ / O^ iiCare; ^xir-d, I i- - i J''4 U? jjx *a spit^) = ^ II «.nd - - . ' ^ *■ ^ ^1'' ""■• ^^•fi a?3 ?/hipB) (the '"hrt -.i. 1." A^"* C'^'- '-crinrir.g of this chapter/ i,e* ^cf '. . »fc*-^rjr: women* (fern* of aiuaj i ! ^iafc U $■ ^ ^-f ^v «*-*^ yoaversaiJioii , ^ .\s " n - t IW '43£ C^. JIBUTI' "^o "^ .. ' 11 "^ 1^ b s 1)