Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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i,f ^^ ^  - ^ i.^ng to .Ifldir ShSlij. who
iw/ffCBd Indlt. and sacked BelM in 1739
witf a rut'^ilessness timt beo&i^
3roy#rbiali    so e immri. hwte is one tr:,:
tm^r^t be ^lompliad withs  transs   HMrd ?m=i

t'--        . »> i-.j j.c^^..ah  -in the nas&e of Cy>d
before utar^.ing a task., espesialiy r.

(after ehom^ niJB^.

eig be-jr-"-^-'    ■'   '                              to t;«,ire a wrinkle on the brow,  fi^swri

payiisa ©©|han,a                                                          . er '^ottQm)B

bsg ya s«r                                                __                 . ■?'


tc»0 mic    .    rtfe!

p©tla                                                thin

Jan bs^hsq t»slim hona                  "life to be aurreadsi


q^dpjg P9r gyiTia                            to fall --.

sntrea-fcyj  pl^sadin^

ayfaiyt kmx-tm.                                  tc r-eooK''*--;: ^*  ""-   '    ^   '       . '   ' r


bare                                                  at last^ liaally

s^| ko o©|ii g&a tha                   'had s^nagsd to climb up soiwehow or

%qc^t                                                  tx'Giibla

®h gyre 0wr j©b gyre                      *wil3.. i'all at ciny mmmnt*

bcj-^x^yr-o^afiy^t                             *?slth welfare ajid proBperity* s safe

ppsiiis p@sina ho Jana                    to m co^.                ^   --^^y

d^ia phulna                                       (* breath to blossos'  «) be out of breath,

pant J  gs-sp


©pne ko aanbhalna                                to control oneself (m ©pne ao ko)

nal®yn                                                       |.«iir of slices_9 aan.dals, slipp-ars

yAre diml* Ilk© valyd&y|i)

t©xt                                                            (the plaoe where Im  was sitting)

t0rtof|_ki 0$
  page 113