Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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to load

qa^la                                            esravjaii {m party of trsTellers)

p^ydsl                                            ('.'.--  s^^^ h©r©) foot-^soldier

ghema                                            tu --.;rn .tji-d

swstayd                                          *'s^- -       , .r.pared

k® as -p&B                    ■                           '     .    „  1 _ .xb^'

dira@r| p^^^hna                                 tr. '^^^v c^r-yerh^   "^rey

ksfleja hatho^ wohol sr'^ha h^y              :     TlTex- is lesj'in|i  ,y   s.olts'  »

■^.errifi^cii  ay ksfirl #*aF In lay iiout.l

ak p9r d^g i;u| pa|^                    Hen (of theia)  attacksd (oiir)  one-

iBgfwqa. p&na,                                     to find an opportunity^ taka oa@*3 charu

gyryft-ar                                         captured;?    captive;^  prisoner

captive^  px'±B<Qfmr (f?  Ilajlis text*s

^tard^^- S-hould pi-ebably read


arreatj, being taken prison/           -:;■ norssel

laaemng of the word)

entreaty;^ plea.di.ri.g

ryhai                                              r^lea-se

hasyl ksrna                                   to g@t^  acquire

w^j^.n                                            battlefield

1^1                                                   C02"p3e

&^mi. ^mi Ie ka                              *»avijig his skin*

smtkBTi k©Siia                                 to tie up h.aad.s behind back,  to piaio-n

fo.rt«. oastl®



to fold hanclB (respectfully)

hwEur                                                     ^Your Bxoellcmcy*

at faulty guilty

to axamine oarefiUly
^nur                                                 faulty guilt

woman-kinds 'I*m only a poor woman*
Jal 88 f9r®b                                       d@ceitj m.les

Egeh (se)                                            aware of^ aoquaintsd wit.h.
  page 151