Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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  page 162  

sa^ajhte tG p©tthi5r k» bo        Mf h.# imderstoodj  h^ ^i-ould fceoo^B
jate                                           Joa#vh-inp aaci# of atona*    (p^tuh^r ks.

ho^a To.^ans  H^s ba di^bj  Etupiil*.   wO ha

S.jUp^'.   t^sP^Si,    :,',"',  '  ,

%'1-HijwvTs.t                                                  tj  (t'W3e &.r« all philosopMe^"     --iia)

byl»»-,f #1                                                  .. .      r ia ;.^ t: i.t^

bys«^a,t                       ■                                                         ^   ■-*» own agsnoy

hyl*»f©j'T                                                       .*j J   v^ir..'«to*i ■ths aganoy of aaiothar


t#wfiq                                            pawsr (Majlis text hms iiinprint   c3f^ ^   )

©kl**® ®©yyqt                                 sating ea-rrion (a lagitl tensj   eating ®*%at

of an animi-l which hag d!«»d fr^t nsT,aral
c^             ssc|>po3«d to ri«.-^    t-.-,,^  Zi- QcX'j

ai-iowed by the Sharls* -^y^/^ s'j .'l^*-."»l/

js^&s                                               y                                 ...:ation


ssbr k©^tia                                     ti '^^  Dsfie:?;^  @ndur#

ma. la-yirtaq                                   £n:5               > e^  intolerabl.s

hyt«'tshqiq                                            ^ ^        I'^^d

r^BiSiRa**e fs^rif                              '^1'   Ra^m'^s ^

a^yr ksma                                     to fo ^r^^'^nCj  tour

C"^ .^"'--ntj^^ S'=*eluds-ds  (in prayar^  dsvotions)

jian                        *.    /tst*   In i-tsality (fi is Ar* for Mo*,

»c ^h® ^ffji ie superfluoa3|s  doubtltas

'■*^ to fiiow how i-n&GvOur^-t# tht M#-ulTi*s

by«far* v^t-^t^^li® 1^              M'-n^c 3&ir<'v*.<^ and suppose that th# impoasiblc

:^na ffiwhala                             f ^ * -        .        ti ■  (Ai'*)

qut«-# la-ygMit                             too^ n.i 'UrjT* to k#sp body and sou.l together|.

bar« subsxE^

fyrkat                                             pai^ioipatioa

e*,*yani cy                                   lit*   *i*e«.^ what?* ss Hiow could I ali-ar# it?'

^n TSsjhyn                                     Just suppose^  by soiae sh«nge (Ar,)

-kyfalat ksrem                               to su-ffioa^ be sufficient

^l-^yntysar ©^©d w^m sl-^iaawt   Waiting ia wors® thsii d®*  (Ar,) C^ym

is offlittsid in the iajlls t®xtj

m^zmmi                                             s«nse,  matters  i*a*   'as tha saying go^g,*,.,*
  page 162