- -^n
bar b&r
p©i@-# pwft
atttisti*^#lyi S3, -^-ss-ly
eiHib as I't is
the i.oo^s to fi.^tj. ^mt a Isek st oa®
snother hard
agai-a and agai^
b^hiijd 'th® ba«ak ^' *behiiid h^**
little box (fsr whfetf - prcsbsbly better to
follow th@ alt^rrsatiT® r«i.diag J^^^M.
M4^ '*littl# sllrar flaak^J
C t^k o^^tted Sji prijstittg of MaJ13^ t#j*)
*t]:^ ohaiii 0f cllseotirs#' ^ ^© ©oiafsrcmtio32.
to fold pal^a @f haads together (ea sign
©f reapaet)
faoei poiatj si^j. dir@©ti«m
mioh a way that**,*, *l#i im sush a
aire<itioa tfea*«*«*
[fh# r«ai®a for Umrio^s r#iuotai;ie-6 to gir® a str^i#.t mnmrnr
nmr%r r^mlly mmTg&& .ia this ©haptens to yi:id©r0tand this pss^a^®
it h#lp to joiow that 0«€«^ ha,s r^coipisad that S©ga® ia r^i&Ily
Mm ^1 (Sascjribed oa p*5fi) - =■«?« ^fe^ ^aa brf.#Oy iii©ar«#rat®d
b@fdr^ being »ld t« IfeauiiB - aij. this is sisd^ ol#ar wh«E ih®
two -atst afaia later la tha boosk (ef^ fi^^.s** €h*llll)«]
@ylsyls.-«« kalaa
fafttfe. bagdima
f#wt i«i Jaas
yf !&«»# r«f,
hmhmt m^ ii»»©Jh ke
J^i^b d®is© ko to d# dJya
p©| asa
to paas «way# dl®|, b# lost
faissbad.? UfflTii^^^'s birthpl-ae®
diselssitig mi^vm^ s^Taaliag ^fj©r#t
* after fe go0& daal of ^ic^^ght*
t© b# brcm^ht -sip
*I had laimfsd -to glTS- aia aaiswar^
iiffiey2,ty# awkwardJisss
tc! ^0^0 forwiiTd,. pr^aeint it««lf
^^|.„^^m^ to "m ^Amt, r««ia «iieat
t# pmt of f.% 0r&d#