Alumni catalogue of the Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York 1836-1936.

(New York :  [The Seminary?],  1937.)



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  Page 485  

EXPLANATION                                             485

Beginning with the first graduating class in 1930, alumni of the School of
Sacred Music are also arranged in two lists, the first containing the names
of those who graduated with the degree of M.S.M., the second list including
the records of those who received certificates and of others who completed
at least one year of study but not a full course for two years.

Individual records of alumni Include the name In full, college graduation
with date and name of college, later graduate study and seminary training
with dates of residence and degrees, date of ordination with name of
denomination and of the ordaining body, pastoral charges and other positions
held after graduation with dates, place and date of death. Honorary degrees,
with name of the Institution which conferred them, and dates, are also listed.

A single date after the name of a college indicates the year of graduation
with the degree of B.A., which Is to be understood unless another degree is
mentioned. Other degrees are named, but the degree of B.A. is not listed
except in the records of alumni of the School of Sacred Music, and
elsewhere when there seemed to be a special reason for naming it. Entries
following college graduation give the period of study in residence in semi¬
naries or in other Institutions, with degrees received. In these entries single
dates indicate either the year in which a degree was received, or study
during only one term, either spring or fall according to the context.

The name of the ordaining body and the exact date of ordination when
they could be ascertained are given with the name of the denomination.
In listing successive pastoral charges the name of the local church Is given
if known and the denomination of each local church is understood to be the
same as that of the preceding entry or entries unless otherwise noted. If
there was a transfer to another denomination the new connection is stated.

Information has been sought and obtained as far as possible from each
alumnus for his own record. But in the absence of a reply to repeated
requests It has frequently been necessary to secure available data from
denominational clergy lists and other sources. In such cases the source of
information is named at the close of the record, or if no information could
be found (§) indicates that no reply was received. If nothing is known about
an alumnus, and no address could be located, the name Is marked with (f).

Names of the deceased are Indicated by an asterisk (♦) both In the records
and in the Index. Names of alumni deceased prior to 1926 are listed In this
edition of the Catalogue with place and date of death, but the detailed
records have not been reprinted, since they may be found complete in the
Alumni Catalogue of 1926.
  Page 485