Buddhaghosa. Buddhist legends (v. 1)

(Cambridge, Mass. :  Harvard University Press,  c1921.)



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312                  Book 2, Story 5.        Dhammapada 28         [N.1.2597-

range of the Buddhas alone to know and to see in their totality the
rising and falling of living beings." So saying, he sent forth a radiant
image of himself, and as it were sitting down face to face with Kas¬
sapa, pronounced the following Stanza,

28. When the wise man banishes heedlessness by heedfulness.

He climbs the terrace of wisdom, and free from sorrow, looks upon the sorrowing

folk of the world.
Steadfast, as though standing on a mountain-top, he gazes upon the simpletons

standing on the ground below.


Heedful among the heedless. This religious instruction was given
by the Teacher while he was in residence at Jetavana with reference
to two brethren.   [260]

It appears that these two monks obtained a Subject of Meditation
from the Teacher and retired to a forest hermitage. Early in the
morning one of them brought firewood, prepared the charcoal-dish,
and during the first watch sat and chatted with the probationers and
novices. The other, a heedful monk, engaged in meditation, thus
admonished his friend, "Brother, do not act thus. For a monk that
is heedless stand ready four states of suffering, as if they were his own
house. The favor of the Buddhas may not be wbn by double-dealing."
When the lazy monk paid no attention to his admonition, the zealous
monk said, "This monk cannot endure to be spoken to." Having
failed to spur his comrade to greater effort, the zealous monk, abiding
in heedfulness, resumed his meditations.   [261]

The slothful Elder, having warmed himself during the first watch,
entered the monastery just as his friend, having finished his walk,
entered his cell. Said the slothful monk to the zealous monk, "Slothful
one, you entered the forest for the purpose of lying down and sleeping.
Seeing that you obtained a Subject of Meditation from the Buddhas,
ought you not rather to rise and devote yourself to the practice of
meditation?" So saying, he entered his own place of residence, lay
down, and went to sleep. But his friend, after walking up and down
during the first watch and resting during the second watch, rose in the
last watch and devoted himself to the practice of meditation. Living
thus the life of heedfulness, in no long time he attained Arahatship,

1 Text: N i. 260-263.
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