Buddhaghosa. Buddhist legends (v. 1)

(Cambridge, Mass. :  Harvard University Press,  c1921.)



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  Page 314  

314                  Book 2, Story 7.        Dhammapada 30       [N.i.263i4-

sat down on one side, the Licchavi prince Mahali spoke thus to the
Exalted One, "Reverend Sir, has the Exalted One seen Sakka king of
gods?" [264] "Yes, Mahali, I have indeed seen Sakka king of gods."
"Reverend Sir, it must certainly have been a counterfeit of Sakka;
for. Reverend Sir, it is a difficult matter to see Sakka king of gods.'*
"Nevertheless, Mahali, I know Sakka; I know what qualities made
him Sakka; I know by the cultivation of what qualities Sakka at¬
tained Saldkaship.

"Mahali, in a previous state of existence Sakka king of gods was
a human being, a prince named Magha; therefore is he called Maghava.
Mahali, in a previous state of existence Salika king of gods was a
human being who in a previous state of existence gave gifts (pure
ddnam addsi); therefore is he called Purindada. Mahali, in a previous
state of existence Sakka king of gods was a human being, who gave
alms assiduously (sakkaccarh); therefore is he called Sakka. Mahali,
in a previous state of existence Sakka king of gods was a human being
who gave a dwelling-place (dvasatham); therefore is he called Vasava.
Mahali in a previous state of existence Sakka king of gods was a human
being who could think of as many as a thousand things {sahassain
attham) in an instant; therefore is he called Sahassakkha. Mahali,
Sakka king of gods has an Asura maiden named Sujata to wife; there¬
fore is he called Sujampati. Mahali, Sakka king of gods bears sway as
lord and master over the Gods of the Thirty-three; therefore is he
called King of Gods. Mahali, Sakka king of gods in a previous state
of existence as a human being took upon himself and fulfilled seven
vows. Because he took upon himself and fulfilled these seven vows,
Sakka [265] attained Sakkaship.

"Now what were the seven? 'So long as I live, may I be the sup¬
port of my mother and father. So long as I live, may I honor my
elders. So long as I live, may I speak gentle words. So long as I live,
may I never give way to backbiting. So long as I live, may I live the
life of a householder with heart free from taint of avarice, generous in
renunciation of what is mine, with open hand, delighting in liberality,
attentive to petitions, delighting in the distribution of ahns. So
long as I live, may I speak the truth. So long as I live, may
I be free from anger. Should anger spring up within me, may I
quickly suppress it.' Mahali, Sakka king of gods in a previous state
of existence took upon himself and fulfilled seven vows. Because he
took upon himself and fulfilled these seven vows, Sakka attained
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