Bernier, François, Travels in the Mogul Empire A.D. 1656-1668

(Westminster, Eng. :  Constable,  1891.)



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du dit mois en la maison place Dauphine, a la Renommee, de cette
paroisse. Ont assiste au convoy Philippe Bourigault, aussi docteur en
medecine de la dite Faculte, demeurant de present susdite place
Dauphine, et Martin Barthelemy d'Herbelot, escuyer, demeurant rue
de Touraine, paroisse St. Sulpice.

B. d'Herbelot.                                  P. Bourigault.

His friend D'Herbelot, the Orientalist, and his nephew Philippe
Bourigault, who arranged for his burial, would appear to have given his
age inexactly as seventy-three, whereas he was then a few days short of
sixty-eight years.

Bernier does not appear to have been long ill, and it is said that his
death resulted from an apoplectic fit, the effect of excitement caused by
some rude bantering he had been subjected to when in the company of
M. le Procureur-general de Harlay. He had made his will on the
iSth .September, bequeathing his property to his nephew Philippe
Bourigault, charged with legacies to Antoine de la Potherie, his man of
business, formerly secretary to Gassendi, to the Prior of Saint-Marc-
les-Vendome, his two female servants, and another.

For the facts contained in the foregoing Chronicle I am mainly in¬
debted to the researches of Drs. E. Farge and Pompee Mabille, and
M. L. De Lens; see Biographies and Miscellanea, No. 12-16, p. xlii.
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