La Haye 1755.
Voyage de Bernier au Royaume de Kachemire. Pages 179-210 of
vol. xiii. of Prevost d'Exiles' Histoire Generate des Voyages, ou
Nouvelle Collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par
terre . . A La Haye, chez Pierre de Houdt, 1755.
[A French translation of No. 25. Copy of the engraving of
Rauchenara Begum at page 188. French edition of Bellin's map, and
in addition a French translation of Valentyn's Map of the Kingdom
of Bengal. Engraving of Begum Saheb inserted at back of plate of
Rauchenara, not as in the German edition.]
27 Bernier's voyage to the East Indies; containing the history of the
London 1811. late revolution of the empire of the Great Mogol, ete. etc. Pages
Quarto. 57-234 of vol. viii. of John Pinkerton's general collection of the best
and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world ;
many of which are now first translated into English. Digested on a
new plan.
[A reprint of No. 24, with a few minor alterations. At page 64,
a full-page engraving of Fort Gwalior from the North-west, after the
view by Hodges. At page 150, N. E. view of the Cotsea Bhaug [Kudsia
Bagh] on the river Jumna at Dehli, after Daniell.]
28 Voyage de Bernier a Cachemire. Chapter x., pages 169-232 of
Paris 1816. vol. v. of Abrege de I'Histoire generate des voyages . . ■ Par J. F.
iOctavo. Laharpe. Paris, Ledoux et Tenre, 1816.
[A tolerably full abridgment of Bernier's Journey to Kashmir.]
29 Bernier. Voyage a Cachemire (1638 (sic)—1670). Pages 84-108 of
Paris 1833. vol. xxxi. of ' Histoire universelle des voyages effectues par mer et par
Octavo. terre dans les cinq parties du Monde, sur les divers points du Globe.
. . Revus ou Traduits par M. Albert Montemont. Paris, Armand-
Aubree.' [1833.]
[A cleverly written precis from a literary point of view. The date
1638 is evidently a misprint for 1658.]
®th£r WS^ax\& bji Jfratifois Vernier.
1. Anatomia ridiculi Muris, hoc est, dissertatiunculje J. B. Morini
ad versus expositam a P. Gassendi philosophiam, etc. Lutetiae, 1651,
2. Favilla ridiculi Muris, hoc est, disse tatiunculte, ridicule defensa;
a J. B. Morino, astrologo, adversus exposi am a Petro Gassendi, Epicuri
Philosophiam, etc. Lutetife, 1653, 4°.