Bernier, François, Travels in the Mogul Empire A.D. 1656-1668

(Westminster, Eng. :  Constable,  1891.)



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  Page lvi [xlvi]  

Ivi                        Dedication to the King

written in a style devoid of elegance, and somewhat
badly arranged, but I hope that His Majesty xoill
chiefly take into His consideration the subject, and that
He will consider it nothing very extraordinary that
during my long absence, whether wandering about the
World, or attached to a Foreign Court, my language
may have become semi-barbarous. Moreover, I am well
pleased to return from such a distance, not quite empty-
handed before His Majesty, and lay claim by this
means to voider Him some account of so many years of
my Vfe, spent in absence from His Kingdom, for I have
always remembered, no matter how far away I may have
been, that I had a Master to whom I was accountable,

His    Majesty's

Most humble and most obedient
Subject and Servant,

  Page lvi [xlvi]