Bernier, François, Travels in the Mogul Empire A.D. 1656-1668

(Westminster, Eng. :  Constable,  1891.)



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Written to Mr. H. 0.                           Ii

Sir, you will do me a pleasure to let me knmv the sentiment
your Illustrious Society i hath of this Piece. Their approba¬
tion begets much emulation among the Intelligent, who all have
no other Ambition than to please them. I my self must avow
to you, that if I thought I could merit so much, 1 should not
so stiffly oppose as I do, the publication of the Observations
and Notes I have made in the Levant. / should suffer my
friends to take them out of my Cabinet, where from the slight
value I have for them, they are like to lie imprisoned, except
the King my Master, by whose order I undertook those Voyages,
should absolutely command me to set them at liberty, and to
let them take their course in the world. Mean time. Sir, you
will oblige me to assure those Great Mm, roho this day compose
the most knowing Company on Earth, of the Veneration I have
for the Oracles that come from their Mouth, and that I prefer
their Lyceum before that of Athens ,• and lastly, that of all
their Admirers there is none, that hath a\ greater Concern for
their Glory, than

Paris, Julij 16",

De Monceaux.

^ The Royal Society, of which Henry Ouldinburgh was the first
Secretary; see Appendix v,
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