Bernier, François, Travels in the Mogul Empire A.D. 1656-1668

(Westminster, Eng. :  Constable,  1891.)



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  Page 114  

114                 HISTORY OF THE STATES

also that his sword and dagger were found soon after his
defeat: and if he reached the woods, as some people
pretend, it can scarcely be hoped that he escaped ; as it
is probable he must have fallen into the hands of robbers,
or have become a prey to the tigers or elephants which
very greatly infest the forests of that country.

But whatever doubts may be entertained of the fate of
Sultan Sujah, there are none as to the catastrophe which
befell his family.! When brought back, men, women, and
children were all thrown into prison, and treated with the
utmost harshness. Some time after, however, they were
set at liberty, and used more kindly: the King then
married the eldest Princess, and the Queen-mother evinced
a strong desire to be united to Sultan Banque.

While these events were happening, some servants of
Sultan Banque joined the Mahometans, of whom I have
spoken, in a plot similar to the last. The indiscreet zeal
of one of the conspirators, who was probably heated with
wine, led to the discovery of the design on the day on
which it was to be executed. In regard to this affair, too,
I have heard a thousand different tales ; and the only fact
I can relate with confidence is, that the King felt so
exasperated against the family of Sujah as to give orders
for its total extermination. Even the Princess whom he
had himself espoused, and who, it is said, was advanced in

the loth November he was shown the Emperor's jewels, including the
great Mogul diamond (see p. 22, footnote *). Shortly afterwards
he left for Agra, and on the 25th Noveinber 1665 he, in company with
Bernier, started for Bengal. Tavernier had with him a young nephew,
son of his brother Maurice Tavernier, four attendants of different
professions, and a surgeon.—Travels, Introduction to vol. i. and

' Catrou states that ' the subjects of the King of Arracan invested
on all sides the palace in which the Mogol Prince was residing. The
unfortunate Cha-chuia found no longer any security but was compelled
to fly to the forests. He made his escape to their depths, but these
tigers pursued him ; and after having massacred, without pity, his wives
and his children, they deprived him of life on the 7th of February in
the year 1658.'
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