Bernier, François, Travels in the Mogul Empire A.D. 1656-1668

(Westminster, Eng. :  Constable,  1891.)



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  Page 201  

LETTER TO COLBERT                    201

in the presence of a King who inspires me with very
different feelings than did Aureng-Zebe; or before you. My
Lord,i who deserve my respect much more than Fazel¬
kan, without some small offering, which may derive value
from its novelty, if not from the hand that bestows it.
The late revolution in Hindoustan, so full of extraordinary
events, may be deemed worthy the attention of our great
Monarch; and this letter, considering the importance of
its matter, may not be unsuitable to the rank you bear in
his Majesty's council. It seems, indeed, addressed with
propriety to one whose measures have so admirably
restored order in many departments which, before my
departure from France, I feared were irremediably con¬
fused ; to one who has evinced so much anxiety to make
known to the ends of the earth the character of our
sovereign, and of what the French people are capable in
the execution of whatever you project for their benefit
and glory.

It was in Hindoustan, My Lord, whither your fame
extends, and from which country I am lately returned
after an absence of twelve years, that I first became
acquainted with the happiness of France, and with the
share which you have had in promoting it, by your
unwearied attention and brilliant abilities. This is a
theme on which I could fondly dwell; but why should I
expatiate on facts already and universally admitted, when
my present purpose is to treat of those which are new and
unknown ? It will be more agreeable to you if I proceed,
according to my promise, to furnish such materials as may
enable your lordship to form some idea of the actual state
of the Indies.

The maps of Asia point out the mighty extent of the
Great Mogol's empire, known commonly by the name of
the Indies, or Hindoustan. I have not measured it with
mathematical exactness;   but judging from the ordinary

^ Jean Baptiste Colbert, born in 1619 and died in 1683, Finance
Minister to Louis xiv. of France, who is the king referred to.
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