The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York

(New York :  Alumni Office,  1970.)



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CHAI, Wie; (Prestay); ta Mokpo, Korea, My 8,
1928; HankukTS, 49-53, BD; YonseiU, 53-55,
MA; PARS, UTS, 57-58, STM, 60; ord (Presby,
Seoul Synod), Oc 23, 61; lect, C of Theol,
YonseiU, Seoul, Korea, 55-57; prof, MethTS,
Taejon, Korea, 59-61; pas (Hyodong Presby),
Seoul, Korea, 61-67; lect (Chr lit), Ehwa
Woman'sU, do, 66—.

CHINLUND, Stephen James; (PE); ta NYCity, Dc
23, 1933; HarvU, 51-55, BA; GTS, 55-56;
UTS, 56-58, BD; ord (PE), dea, Jn 58; asst
(Grace Ch), NYCity, 58-60; cur (St Augustine's
Chapel), NYCity, 60-63; asso dir. Exodus
House, NYCity, 63-67; adm. Reality House,
NYCity, 67-.

CLARK, David Walter; (UCC,); b Montague City,
Mass, Dc 7, 1931; OberC, 50-55, BA; UTS,
55-58, BD; pas (First), Austinburg, O, &
(Cong), EagleviUe, O, 58-63; dir (deferred
gifts), OberUnC, Oberlin, O, 63-.

CLARK, Samuel Mattaias, Jr; (Meth); b Gaines¬
ville, Ga, Sp 28, 1932; EmoU, 50-54, BA;
Prin Grad Sch, 54-55; UTS, 55-58, BD, cl;
ord (Meth, So Ga Conf) Jn 6, 58; pas, Tilton,
Ga, 58-59; pas, Brookfield, Ga, 59-62; pas
(Inner City) Savannali, Ga, 62—.

COMPTON, WiUiam Hilden; (Meth); b Bridge-
ton, NJ, Fb 8, 1928; FlaSC, 51-54, BA; UTS,
54-58, BD; pas, (Redland Corara), Horaestead,
Fla, 58-60; pas, Kendrick Chg), Ocala, Fla,
60-61; pas, Dunnellon, Fla, 61-64; pas. Port
St Lucie, Fla, 64-.

CURTIN, Mrs John R. See Karen Elizataeth

DAJL, Francis Roderick; (Meth); b Jl 5, 1918;
ETenn SC, BS, 41; DukeDS, BD, 47; UTS, TC,
CU, EdD, 58; tea & prin, pubUc schs, Erwin,
Tenn, 41-44; pas (Meth), KipUng, NC, 45-51;
pas, Gibson, NC, 51-54; asso pas (Park Ave
Meth), NYCity, 54-57; asso pas (Memo Meth),
White Plains, NY, 57-60; dean, Seh of RE,
Leonard TheologicalC, Jabalpur, India, 60-64;
pas (Faith), Staten Island, NY, 65-67; pas
(West HiUs), Huntington, LI, 67-.

DANIEL, Jaraes Sarauel Gnanaraj; (ChSoIndia);
ta Negapatara, S India, Ag 26, 1924; SeramU,
48, raatrie; NYU, MA, 58; LuthTC, Madras,
47-51, dipl; UTS, 57-58, STM; prov see,
SCM, 51-56; research asso, Chr Inst for the
Study of ReUgion & Society, Bangalore, 59-60;
fid rep, Nati Chr Counc, CORAGS, New Delhi,
61-62; distribution sec, Bible Soc of tadia,
Bangalore, 62-66.

DA'VIES, James William; (UnChCan); b Hunts¬
ville, Ont, Can, Oc 23, 1930; UTor (Fac Med),
48-50; VietU, 50-52, BA; EmraC (Tor), 52-55,
BD; UTS, 55-57, ThD, 58; ord (UnChCan,
Toronto Conf), Jn 55; as pas (Westra Presby),
Remsenburg, NY, 57-58; pas, Thessalon, Ont,

Can, 58-60; pas, Sutton West, Ont, Can, 60-.

DAVISON, Ernest Burton; (Meth); b Windsor,
Nova Scotia, Ap 8, 1931; SyrU, 49-52, 54-55,
BA; UTS, 55-58, BD; ord.(Meta), dea, Jn 57;
eld. My 24, 59; pas (South Third St), Bklyn,
NY, 58-59; pas (First), Elmhurst, NY, 59-66;
pas (The Village Ch) Bayviile, NY, 66-.

DAY, John Warren, Jr; (PE); ta Sapulpa, Okla,
Sp 24, 1922; TrinC, 40-42; AntC, 42-49, BA;
UTS, 55-58, BD; ord (PE), dea, Sp 16, 58,
pr, Mr 17, 59; vie (All Saints), Wheatland,
Wyo, 58-60; vie (St John tae Baptist), Glendo,
Wyo, 58-60; vie (Ch of Our Savior), Hartville,
Wyo, 58-60; rec (St James), Riverton, Wyo,

DEARMENT, Daniel Clayton; (UPUSA); b Mas¬
sillon, O, Fb 21, 1931; CWoos, 49-53, BA;
UTS, 54-56, 57-58, BD; PrinTS, 63-65, ThM;
ord (Pby, Ohio), Jn 1, 58; pas (Christ Ch),
Chesterland, O, 58-62; as pas. New Bruns¬
wick, NJ, 62-66; asso chap supv, UPa Med
Ctr, Philadelphia, Pa, 67-.

DIXON, Mrs Ralph.  See Patricia Risdon.

DODSON, James Richard; (Disc); b Bellefon¬
taine, 0, Oc 4, 1924; TransU, 42-47, BA;
YaleU, ss 48, 50, 52; KenSchMis, 51-52;
CBib, 47-50, BD; UTS, 50-51, 57, EdD, TC,
CU, 58; ord (Disc), Ja 1, 50; fm (UCMS),
Congo, 52-64; staff, Afr-Amer Inst, Dar-es-
Salaam, Tanzania, 65—.

DOLLHOPF, Roland Wilbur; (Luth); b West
View, Pa, Ag 3, 1928; CarnIT, 46-51, BA
(educ & org); UTS,SchSM, 56-58, MSM; o&c
(Ch of the Ascension), Pittsburgh, Pa, 58-59
o&e (EUinwild UPUSA), Glenshaw, Pa, 59-65
o&c (St Stephen's Epis), Pittsburgh, Pa, 65-
ehoral dir, N Allegheny Schs, Pittsburgh, Pa,

DOUGLASS, David Robert; (Meth); ta Corpus
Christi, Tex, JI 5, 1931; SWU, 50-52, BA;
UTS, 55-58, BD; 58-; ord (Meth, Corpus
Christi Conf), dea Nv 19, 51; dir youth wrk
annual Conf, San Antonio, Tex, 52-53; pas
(First), Bloomington, Tex, 58-64, pas,
Mertzon, Tex, 64-65; pas, San Angelo, Tex,

DUNCAN, Emily Jean; (Mrs Charles Edward
Lange); (PE); b BuUalo, NY, Mr 1, 1933;
DenU, 51-55, BA; UTS, 56-58, MRE; tea
(dept Bible), Masters Sch, Dobbs Ferry, NY,
58-59; see, dept of college work, PE Diocese
of NY, NYCity, 59-61; children's Ubr, Bel¬
mont, Mass, 64-65; do. Rye, NY, 65-66; res,
Larchmont, NY.

EARLE, John Nicholas Francis; (Ch Engl); b
Manchester, Engl, Nv 14, 1926; TrinC, Camb,
44-46, 48-50, MA, 55; Westcott Hse, Camb,
50-52; PARS, UTS, 57-58; ord (Angl), 51; as
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