The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York

(New York :  Alumni Office,  1970.)



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  Page 560  


In 1960 a "General Biographical Catalogue of Auburn Theological Serainary,
1919-1940" was published and distributed. It included supplementary information on
alumni from the classes of 1846-1918.

Alumnae (and alumni) of the School of Religious Education at Auburn were listed
in the "Directory of Living Alumni" published^y Auburn Seminary in 1948, but were
not included in the catalogue of 1960.

Union had published its Alurani Catalogue some littletime before Auburn's. Hence
it did not seem wise to the Alumni CouncU to add biographical data about Auburn
alumni and SRE alumnae in the present volume.

We therefore present here our current list of these men and woraen of the Auburn
family, now memt>ers of the Union-Auburn Alurani Association.

In sorae cases the inforraation in our records is incomplete — the present location,
for example, or date and place of death. Any help you can give by furnishing details
for the files will be appreciated.

The list that follows includes only the name and class, and the town of residence,
or the date of death where known.

Frank Otheman Reed
Secretary of the Auburn Program
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