A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 33  

[ ao^kf }'^»<'«'™^''y-       9 December 1554—18 July 1557.                          1 ]

of tfie Comiiana mttr inciters of stac(o«evs /
for all ^ttcHe somin^s of ntonge iuHidi fiatit
i^ontme to tUagre Hantress fvont tfte ()c Hage
of lieirewlitre / Ktt tfte getre of outr lottre
fioJir 155^ ditto tfte ^ti((f ^age of Sulg JJw
tfte s^^ <»^ <»«^^ J<»<^^^ fto^ 1557 /

[It is quite evident that the following entries were transcribed from an earlier Account
kept by the Brotherhood, into this new Cash Account Book of the Company ; the paper
of which was given by Henry Cooke, and the binding (which still encases it) paid for
by Thomas Duxwell, see p. 62 : which new and formal Register was evidently occa¬
sioned b;^ the greater importance that came to be attached to the Wardens^ ofKce.
The entries are mainly in chronological order; and are of singular interest, as being
apparently the only surviving records of the Brotherhood, prior to its royal incorporation
on 4th May 1556.]

Item Eecevyd the viij*^ daye of January [1655] of the Warmowthe
queste of Castell baynardes Warde / for occupyenge of our
hall.........        iiij'

[It is evident from this entry, that no money had been received by the Brotherhood
between the 9th December 1554 and this 8th January 1555.]'

Item Recevyd of John aldaye for his breakefaste and his benevolence

to the hall........vj^ viij^

[From this it would seem that it was customary for each Apprentice, as he took up
his freedom, to give a breakfast to the Brotherhood, probably then not a very large body ;
and that this was afterwards compounded for, by the payment of a Half-Noble ; see
next page.

The above and the next five entries evidently relate to between the 8th January
and the 5th February 1555.   Alday, therefore, was made free in January of that year.]

Item Recevyd for occupyenge the hall at a Weddynge      iij^ iiij^

Item Recevyd in monye at the gevynge vp of master barthelettes

and   master  bonham   thayre   Accu[m]pte   at  the  handes   of   the

coUectours........Iviij^    v^ ob

[The Collectors were afterwards called Renters, apparently from having to collect the
rents belonging to the Company.    The office still exists.   See names of these atj^. 45.]

Item   Recevyd of   John punte for a yeres Rent for   his wyndow

endynge at mychaelmas laste paste [i. e. 1554]         .               xij^

Item Recevyd of master Turke         ....             viij^

Item Recevyd  of William   norton  for master bonham the v*^  of

february [1555]......xxxvij^  viij^

Item Recevyd the v*^ of marche [1555] of gyles chandeler in Recom-

pence of his brakefaste and his makynge fre    .        .        iij^  iiij^

Item Recevyd the v*^ of marche [1555] of John foxe in Recompence

of his brakeifaste at his makynge fre        .        .        .        iij^  iiij*^

Item Recevyd the xv*^^ Daye of marche [1555] of the wedow for

halfe   a  yeres  Rente   Due   at   our   lady    Daye   th[e]anonsacyon

[25 March 1555].......        ij' iiij^

A Transcript ^c.                          3                                           I- 33
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