A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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19 July 1557—9 July 1558.

T. Dockwray.

f J. Cawood. "1
[J. WaUey.   J

[ This page is entirely blank in the Original, ]

[The following Proclamation of the 5th June 1558—No. Ill in the Collection of
the Society of Antiquaries of London—fairly out-Herods Herod ; and clearly shows
from what extremities of misery England was delivered by Queen Mary s death
in the following November.

Hg tfte itgnge antr tfte Otttene>

IHEREAS dyuers bokes filled bothe with heresye,
sedityon and treason, haue of late, and be dayly broughte
into thys Realme, oute of forreine countries and places
beyond the seas, and some also couertly printed within
this Realme, and cast abroade in sondrye partes thereof, wherby
not onely God is dishonored, but also an encoragemonte geuen
to disobey laweful princes and gouernors. The Kyng and Queues
Maiesties, for redresse hereof, by this the[i]r present proclamation
declare and publyshe to all their subiectes that whosoeuer shal
after the proclaymyng hereof, be founde to haue any of the sayde
wycked and seditious bokes, or finding them, doo not forthwith
burne the same, without showing or readyng the same to anye
other person, shall in that case be reputed and taken for a
rebell, and shall without delay be executed for that ofience
accordynge to th[e]ordre of marshall lawe. Geuen at our manor
of Saynt Jameses the. vi. day of June.

God saue the kyng and the Queue.

hannis Cawodi Tipographi regiee ma¬

Anno. M.D.LYIII.

Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum

solum. ]

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