A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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22 July 1565—22 July 1566.             s.Kevau.;

"W. Seres.
J. Gonneld.

J   aide               Recevyd of John Aide for his lycence for pryntinge of an hundreth

poyntes of evell husivyfrye 8fc     .        .        .        .        .        .        iiij*

W pekerynge Recevyd of Wylliam Pekeryng for his lycence for prynting of a
ballett intituled ye lamentation of a yonge man beynge presoner in ye
Counter in the Pultrye in London      .        .        .        .        .        iiij*

Colwen           Recevyd of Thomas Colwell for his lycence for prynting of a ballett

intituled a breffe   [a]brygement of maryage and so what Jogges  the

Wyves geves on the elboice


Colwell Recevyd of Thomas Colwell for his lycence for pryntinge of a ballet
intituled shewyng of the myserable vnhappy fall of a vecyous kynge
Called syr Danapall.......iiij*

KYNGESTON      Rcccved of JoHN KYNGESTON for his lyccncc for  pryntinge of an
Epytath of mistress ASSHJELAY made by henry Tov^ers   .        iiij*

1   haryson

Receved of lucas haryson for his lycence for pryntinge of a ballet
intituled the blynde harpers with the Answere    .        .        .        iiij*


Receved of Alexandre lacy for his lycence for pryntinge of a
tru certificat sente from Gibralter in Spayne of a Wonderfull

1   haryson          Receved of lucas  haryson  for his  lycence  for pryntinge   of the


of master Cawfylde agaynste MARSHALL SfC /


w  pekeryng

Receved   of   Wylliam   Pekerynge   for   his   lycence   for   prynting

of a  bref Beclaration  of the   Cruell battry and horryable   Warre
bothe  by see  and lande which fell betivene ij monsterus  nations  in

the lande of Gryngurt.......iiij

I. 294
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